Hayekians versus Big Boss Culture | Chris Dillow
Clegg Refuses to Pay Bar Bill | Mail
South Africa’s Zuma Must Hold Mugabe to Account | Economist
Labour Candidate Slams Balls Spending Plans | Indy
Tory ‘Go Home’ Posters Are Labour Policy | Tom Harris MP
Nigerian Fraudsters Fool British Council | Telegraph
10% of North’s Shale Could Meet Demands For 40 Years | Simon Miller
Amnesty Boss Tweets Mental Health Jokes | Scrapbook
Scotland Yard Look at London Unite Selections | Standard
Peers Make Peace Over Fruit Pastilles | Speccie
Read Guido’s Column in The Sun Today

See how the Reds fund Ed in today’s Sun. In Guido’s column:
It kicked off for the Tory football team
- Lucky MP who definitely isn’t “working in the constituency” until September 13th
- Matt Hancock’s advice goes unheeded by the Chancellor
- The lobbyist turned Labour Shad Cab member lobbying for old client
- What to name the new Tory HQ?
- Guido donates to “Lib Dems Against Sexual Harassment” pressure group
- UKIP seek Unite backing
- The NHS trade union “pilgrim” having a laugh at patient’s expense