Monday, 8 July 2013
The BBC undoubtedly thought this was a good pro Muslim story….I might suggest it was the opposite….far from showing Muslims ‘integrating’ it shows a distinct lack of will to do so and in fact shows that Muslims expect British society to adapt to them not the other way round… might even suggest that it was fairly disturbing that Islam is presented in such a positive one sided fashion in …Continue reading
This post shows the difficulty in using statistics to ‘prove’ anything…especially if the two sides are not singing off the same ‘hymn sheet’…i.e. not using the same sources of information or the same definitions…..especially so when one side knowingly uses statistics that don’t agree because they come from a different source or are based on a different definition in order to confuse the issue. Victoria Derbyshire interviewed Nigel Farage … Continue reading
The story so far. Red Ed has problems with Red Len, so what to do? How about sending Harriet Harman onto the Marr programme on a Sunday morning so she can waffle her way through the Labour talking bite agenda? The BBC does gently point out that Unite is backing candidates in 41 other constituencies, but Harriet was allowed to claim that the problem is restricted to Falkirk and that Ed …Continue reading
Posted by Britannia Radio at 07:20