Prophets Of Rage
Vive La France
Bowen and the “moderate” Muslim Brotherhood – a reminder
Banging The Drum For Welfare
A Day In The Life Of The BBC Archipelago
Monday, 1 July 2013
Prophets Of Rage..Vive La France..Bowen and the “moderate” Muslim Brotherhood – a reminder
Sound familiar? Not a description of a musical version of the EDL but the rap group ‘Public Enemy’: ‘In the late 1980s Public Enemy were the biggest rap group on the planet. Their mission: to raise the consciousness of a generation. With a rebellious attitude to match their militant image they sold millions of records preaching pro-black politics to fans of all races, all done through a … Continue reading
The BBC flooded the airwaves and its web pages with ‘warnings from history’ about the rise of the Far Right in Europe. It seems to have gone a bit quiet as Marine Le Pen’s Front National gains credible support in the polls in France…..much of it coming from ‘the Left’. Before the French by-elections the BBC was willing to talk about the ‘fringe’ parties…what it dismissed as … Continue reading
Reading about the demonstrations in Egypt reminded me of BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen’s attempts to sell the Muslim Brotherhood as a moderate organisation prior to the overthrow of Mubarak. Here was his original take in January 2011: This was the first update: And what you’ll see now: Journalism is sometimes called the first rough draft of history. More like the first attempt at spin, with later updates where … Continue reading
This couple of interviews illustrates the problem with the BBC and the Left’s worldview…that the solution to poverty is not creating a sound economy, a good education, hard work, innovation, entrepreneurship, adapting, improvising and overcoming …the Left’s answer is an ever increasing government spending spree….it is sitting in your state sponsored home waiting for government handouts that keep the recipients in a thought free comfort zone where they … Continue reading
Some comments from the BBC that perfectly illustrate the BBC world view: “This is called progress….” Justin Webb tells us that blackouts are threatened (0810)because we ‘carelessly’ decommissioned power stations with nothing much to replace them. ‘Carelessly’? Really? Wasn’t it a deliberate plan set in place by Labour, in fact by the present Labour leader, to cripple the UK with CO2 reduction plans that no … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio