The real TRUTH of Guy Fawkes    For 2013. 

For the first time in my long life,
Yet ‘tis sad for me to relate,
To wish that Guy had succeeded
For I now understand, far too late.
Yet for years we have celebrated,
On the evening, each November the fifth,
That Guy failed in his conspiracy
To blow up Parliament as he so wished

We never looked at the reason why
His mission in life was to destroy
The mother of all great Parliaments
Was it for us to figure our WHY?
We just celebrated every year
The saving of that once great power
Yet we didn’t know along the years,
It would soon no longer be ours.

Foreigners failed in those two World Wars,
Another way then had to be found.
To Govern all others through Treaties
Each Country forever then be “bound”.
For foolish men believed the dream
To “pool” and “share” our Sovereignty
For never, ever to be another war
Yet that “peace” was not ours to be.

Gullible men believed the dream
And eagerly signed on the dotted line,
Yet those in Power rubbed their hands
Thought, “those Countries will soon be MINE!”
Each Country paid out many billions
Each year to those foreigners that now ruled
Twenty-seven plus, once free countries
Oh, how easily they had all been fooled.

What if Guy had indeed succeeded?
To blow up our great Parliament?
Where one great Statesman saved us
When bombs from airplanes were sent?
Had Guy succeeded in his ghastly plot
Would MP’s build themselves anew?
Perhaps cared and lovingly protected more
Or would those be among the few?

Had Parliament been left as just rubble,
Either from Guy or the Second World War,
No MP’s could have signed any Treaty
No “Mother of Parliaments” to grieve any more
No deep shame of those we freely elected
No EU Treaties for voter’s to have their say
No treachery played out behind closed doors,
While they paid to give our sovereignty away.

Oh how eagerly people will greet you,
Our Guy Fawkes from years gone by,
When they signed away our Country?
Yet not tell us the reason WHY?
Did they believe the Singer, not the song?
Or was by chance the other way about?
To be governed-FOREVER- by foreigners
Never to be FREE, and NEVER to get out?



Guy Fawke’s Night of 1605.  for 2012.

In many gardens in England
On every evening of November the 5th,
Much wood has been feverishly gathered,
And a great big bonfire waits to be lit.
A Party atmosphere is welcomed,
Drinking hot Punch and other hot drinks,
Home made “Parkin” and black Treacle Toffee,
But what is the meaning of all this?

Children with “Sparklers” and ‘Bangers’,
“Pin Wheels” whizzing madly around,
‘Rockets’ in jam jars just waiting,
To shoot high in the air, from the ground.
And high, right on top of the bonfire,
Is the effigy of a man,
He wanted to blow up Parliament,
And that is how all this began.

This man was known as Guido Fawkes
And was caught in 1605,
Down in the cellars ’neath that Parliament,
And those soldiers had him alive.
With many barrels of gunpowder,
Now known as “The Gun Powder Plot”,
He and his friends were caught in the act
Of treason, guilty or not.

Through a solemn Act of Parliament,
T’was decreed each 5th of November,
“A joyful Day of Deliverance”,
That Treacherous Act,  to remember.
Yet over the years in that  Parliament,
Perhaps the TRUTH, I now should mention?
That man that was charged with treason,
Was the only man with Honest Intention.

For those that came after, no arms did need,
No bombs, no Gunpowder Plot,
Just by the signing of two Signatures,
They gave away all this Country had got.
How many bonfires now to be lit
For that Country so once proud and true?
Many have given their lives freely
In the saving of it for me and YOU.
For each of those that betrayed us all
I give them one last hope,
To give them peace and forgiveness,
By the giving of one sturdy rope.