Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Toys out of the pram – angry BBC attacks Zimmerman lawyer

It seems the butthurt is deep at the BBC over the Zimmerman verdict. Using the topic of celebrity lawyers as a hook, the BBC’s Tara Mckelvey has penned a hit-piece portraying Zimmerman lawyer Mark O’Mara as a self-serving celebrity-craving huckster using up his 15 minutes of fame to foment anger: “Zimmerman’s lawyer raises profile – and incites rage” You won’t find BBC articles on the Zimmerman trial questioning the race-baiting … Continue reading 


We already know how the BBC lavishes praise on the shrew Labour MP Margaret Hodge in her role as Chairman (sic) of the Public Accounts Committee. So when the Duchy of Cornwall representative William Bye was invited to appear before this Labour dominated Star Chamber, one could be sure that the BBC would fall in behind Labour is suggesting that the Duchy of Cornwall is dodging tax. There was an … Continue reading 

Wherever I Lay My Welfare Cap Is My Home

   John Humphrys grandly suggested to IDS yesterday that ‘There are facts and beliefs and you can believe whatever you like.’   So let’s look at how the BBC presents some ‘facts’. The BBC has been trumpeting the left leaning Resolution Foundation’s claim that: Rent ‘unaffordable’ for low-income families in third of UK   The BBC have tagged that onto their news bulletins or reports about welfare all day without qualification. … Continue reading 


  Ian Duncan Smith tore a strip off the BBC this morning for orchestrating a politically motivated campaign against government welfare reforms:  ‘Cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith today accused the BBC of launching a ‘politically-motivated’ attack on government plans to cap benefits at £26,000. In an extraordinary on-air blast, the Work and Pensions Secretary accused the Corporation of using ‘lots of little cases’ to claim that limiting welfare payments would … Continue reading