Thursday 4 July 2013

Watson Resigns Falkirk Fall Out
Watson Resigns

Falkirk Fall Out

Falkirk has claimed its first victim: Tom Watson has resigned from the Shadow Cabinet. Something tells Guido he quit before he was fired, the pressure has been mounting since Watson's attempts to stitch up seats for his WAGs (women and girlfriend) were exposed, all building up to Falkirk. Not like Tommo to go without a bit of revenge, his best pal and former flatmate Ian Austin has just called for an EU referendumIt was Hodges wot won it...

Labour's union crisis has gone right to the top. Dave killed Ed over the McClusterf**k at PMQs, as it was revealed how Unite plotted to fix Labour seats for their preferred candidates. Miliband didn't help himself by leaving his PMQs script in the toilet, interesting that he prepared the "I'd rather have Tom Watson working for me" line after he had handed in his resignation. Now Unite officials could face fraud chargesLabour is at war, and that's not to mention Simon Danczuk versus Owen Jones...

In non-McClusterf**k news, the cops are looking at Tim YeoKeith Vaz danced Gangnam style and Guido got to the bottom of the Boris "take it up the Arcelor" mysteryFinally, tearooms are rumbling as to why Bercow is so grumpy...