Yishma’el Blessed

In our writings, we sometimes attempt to illustrate some of the differences between false spiritual traditions and The Way. However, it is important to note that while יהוהdenounces idolatry (e.g., Exodus 20:1-6), He loves men whom He created in His image (Genesis 1:26-31), so much that He died to pay the price for our many sins. He also seems to have special purposes for some of the descendants of Avraham, including the descendants of his firstborn, Yishma’el, (e.g., Genesis 16:10-12 and, possibly, Genesis 12:3, although the blessing to mankind clearly came through Yisra’el, not Yishma’el). Thus, as followers of Yehoshua, we should try not to get swept up by winds of hatred that blow against those whom יהוה loves, but, at the same time, we should also avoid becoming yoked to those who deny Yehoshua (e.g., 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
Unlike false gods, יהוה is more than able to deal with His adversaries. As with the Isaiah 19 process, that יהוה proclaimed thousands of years in advance, which may be unfolding, right now, the Way of יהוה is often different (and superior) to the “solutions” to various spiritual issues that our minds might conceive. As believers in Yehoshua, our fundamental challenge is to love (but not be led away from יהוה by) others, in spite of the growing immorality and spiritual decay that we see around us (e.g., Matthew 24:11-13Matthew 22:35-40).
So, while we can and should speak the Truth (which requires us to shine the light of יהוה onto spiritually dark teachings, regardless of the personal cost to us), we must always remember that יהוה loves and paid a great price to save even many of those who hate us. Thus, we must try to show the love of יהוה to all. To aid in this task, it might be helpful to remember that those who hate us are themselves merely victims of the spiritual forces that they have chosen to obey (e.g., Ephesians 6:12).

You Can Know the Future, In Advance
If you are a supporter of יהוה and His Law (which requires authentic love in action), then you were probably tentatively rejoicing with a majority of the Egyptian people as a result of the disposal of the tyrannical regime that took the place of Mubarak. Of course, given the (apparently near) future of Egypt (e.g., Isaiah 19), one’s rejoicing should not be too great, right now, since Egypt must suffer more before יהוה heals it.
יהוה said in His Word (Isaiah 46:9-10, NKJV):
“Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, é–ƒy counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.’”
Thus, if you desire to know the future, then prayerfully study the Word of יהוה. There are other, (at least partially false) projections given in other places, but only the Word of יהוה is true and indestructible (e.g., Matthew 24:35). For example, the Qur’an and Hadith (the basic sources of knowledge of the relatively modern Islamic religious tradition) proclaim an eschatological set of events that, on the surface, appear similar to those laid out in the Word of יהוה, but Islamic eschatology has many of the characters reversed and many events wrong (i.e., contrary to the true, inspired Word of יהוה). In particular, the Islamic Messiah or Mahdi parallels the Biblical antichrist, Eisa Alaisalam (the Islamic version of Jesus) mirrors the coming Biblical false prophet, and the Islamic ad-Dajjal represents the true Yehoshua Ha’Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Thus, followers of Islam appear to be setup to serve the coming man of sin and false prophet and to fight against the true Yehoshua Ha’Mashiach, while the saints of Yehoshua must patiently endure this relatively short lived situation (e.g., Revelation 14:9-13 and Revelation 12:12), as many have already started to do in various Muslim controlled countries.
Future events will provide an ultimate proof of the validity of the Word of יהוה and the invalidity of the Islamic (and other false) texts, but one can realize, even now, the difference between the God of the Holy Bible and the god of the Qur’an. The God of the Bible is love (i.e., the source of all true love). His Law is true love of God and of others, while, at times, the god of the Qur’an claims to be a god of love and peace, he requires the murder of those who will not submit to the tenants of Islam by those who will. In Islam’s approach, peace will allegedly be obtained via total, worldwide submission to Sharia.
The Way of יהוה is different. Through it, יהוה, Himself, because of His love for us, suffered the penalty of our sins, and His Way requires true servants of יהוה to sacrifice themselves for others in like manner (e.g., 1 John 3:16). According to the definition of love given in the Word of יהוה (e.g., 1 Corinthians 13), all other (self-centered, carnal) teachings or actions equate, on some level, to hatred, not love, of others. Thus, if you want to know and experience true love, read and do the Word of יהוה.
If the numerous fulfilled prophecies about Yehoshua Ha’Mashiach and the Nation of Israel, stated thousands of years ago (before there was a Qur’an) in the Word of יהוה are not sufficient to convince you of the validity of the Word of יהוה, consider at least one potential prophecy being fulfilled, right now. Isaiah 19 has a lot to say about the future (perhaps the current) state of Egypt, including a coming civil war and economic collapse (possibly both in progress), and if you have been a recipient of our messages for more than about a year, now, you may recall something potentially relevant to the current events unfolding within Egypt in our message entitled, “Marriage, Heirs of The Promise, and Something From the News.” Here is the relevant portion of that message:
A Modern Example of Proverbs 21:1?
Yesterday, (Friday, 2012-06-15), I happened across at least two newspapers that contained a story of recent events in Egypt. Apparently, the high court in Egypt has nullified much of the terrorist Muslim meddling in the country’s affair’s after the Obama/U.N. led ouster of the country’s former leadership. This is potentially very interesting in light of some of the things that God’s Word says regarding Egypt.
As just about anyone who had an even causal interest in the ongoings of the so called “Arab spring” knows, President Obama (unconstitutionally, some might add) aided the overthrow of the Mubarak Regime in Egypt, in spite of the obvious threat to Egypt of a takeover by the violent, terrorist, Islamic group called the “Muslim Brotherhood” upon the exit of Mubarak. The clear assumption by many was that this (as well as the US backed actions in Libya) would lead to a power vacuum that would be filled by the most violent and aggressive terrorist groups in the region. Thus, it is only common sense to suspect that the Obama administration retained the same understanding and, therefore, supported the ouster of Mubarak in spite of the implications to Egypt and the region.
Today, at least, things seem to have taken a different turn. That is, at least for now, the terrorists are being denied power by the few remaining institutions that would protect the People of Egypt from experiencing life under their tyranny. The question is, is there any Biblical significance to all of this, or is this all just the product of human nature, as usual?
Proverbs 21:1, NKJV, states, “The king’s heart is in the hand of יהוה (Yehovah), like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” Now, clearly, it is likely that President Obama, who, like his predecessor, seems to have virtually no regard for the Constitution of the USA (the one that he swore to protect), thought that he would manipulate the situation and pressure Mubarak to leave so that terrorists (like the Muslim Brotherhood) would rise to power (bringing no good to anyone on the planet, not even the members of the Muslim Brotherhood, themselves), for whatever motives he had. However, as God’s Word states, it is Yehovah (יהוה) God who appoints the king (Romans 13:1-7) and directs his heart (and, thus, his actions). Thus, even though President Obama may have desired to do wickedly to the People of Egypt by establishing a situation in which wicked taskmasters could rise to rule over them, it just might be that God was moving Obama’s heart to serve God’s greater purpose. If that is the case, what purpose might that be?
Well, surprisingly, it appears that one future outcome for Egypt is that they will engage in a civil war and be put under a cruel taskmaster (Isaiah 19), as the likes of President Obama and the United Nations seem to desire. However, this cruel leader will apparently not be Egyptian but Assyrian (Isaiah 52:4). Unlike the probable yearnings of the would be tyrants of Egypt within Egypt, Egypt will never again be a nation that will dominate other nations, due to the fact that Israel once trusted in Egypt’s power instead of God’s power (Ezekiel 29:14-16). Thus, it seems clear that Egypt will serve the coming man of sin, as will most of the other nations of the world (e.g., Daniel 11:40-45Isaiah 19:23). However, will this be the final fate of the People of Egypt?
Thankfully, Egypt’s end will be a much more desirable state than this. It seems that at least part of God’s purpose in all of this is to cause His people in Egypt and Assyria (perhaps including genetic descendants of Yaakov and believers in Yeshua, Ha’Mashiach of Yisrael) to return to the Land of Yisrael (e.g., Isaiah 27:12-13Isaiah 52:4-12Isaiah 11:11-16). Another part of God’s plan is to direct the People of Egypt away from their idolatrous practices (e.g., Islam) to Him (e.g., Isaiah 19:18-24).
Thus, while the intentions of many of the world’s leaders towards the People of Egypt might be evil, and those plans may seem to come to pass, for a time, in the end, יהוה (the God of Yisrael) has other, better plans for the People of Egypt. Unlike like the feeble plans of men, Yehovah’s plans will be established. So, unless we badly misunderstand the sections of God’s Word related to the future of Egypt, Egypt (like most of the rest of the world) has some serious trouble ahead, but ahead of that lies peace and prosperity with יהוה, the One, True God葉he God of Yisrael.

How to Understand the Future
In order to understand the future, for yourself, simply do two things: (1) pray to יהוה to give you Ruach Ha’Kodesh, aka the Holy Spirit, (e.g., Luke 11:9-13) and (2) read His Word often, during the best part of each day.

Calls to Action


Egypt: Are the events of Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled in the near future?



Iran: Will the prophecies of Jeremiah 49:34-39 soon be fulfilled?

Syria (Will the events predicted in Isaiah 17 soon unfold?)




Saudi Arabia


Child Murder
There is a historic (ancient) connection between abortion and paganism/witchcraft/satanism (e.g.,Abortion RitesWitchcraft, Feminism and Child SacrificeWitchcraft and AbortionAbortion as a Sacred RightVoo-doo and WitchcraftOccult Roots of Abortion—Dr. Scott JohnsonThe Occult Roots of Abortion—Jay Rogers). (It seems to start as part of the process of individuals within a society turning from the Law of יהוה in order to do their own will, which inevitably includes sexual sin, and child murder is adopted, at least in part, to hide the fruit that such sin produces. Of course, since people who are in such a state have no interest in the One, True God, they end up becoming entangled in demon worship of one form or another, and then, at a point, children start being offered to those demons as a blood sacrifice.) This connection seems to be intact in a number of countries, today. Indeed, it appears that wiccans and other satanists like to work in abortion clinics, since they believe that abortion is a “sacred rite” of their respective religions (again, as have demon worshipers throughout history). This is a sin that needs to stop and be repented for, ASAP.

Extra Biblical Evidence

Feast of Trumpets
Note: We have not been able to review the Biblical evidence for each of these, yet.



Passover is coming in April, 2014. Will you be prepared to celebrate it?

Worship Songs

Yom Ha’Kippurim
Yom Ha’Kippurim (יוֹם הַכִּפֻּרִים): FYI, we believe that each of these contain at least some Biblical errors and that none of these provide a complete, accurate explanation of God’s Day of Atonement.
יהוה bless, and shalom.