A selection of recent media reports
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...interest of every EU citizen,' the article concludes. Dutch anti- immigration politician Geert Wilders used the microblogging service Twitter to call...
Expatica.com (19-Aug-2013)
...and Portsmouth are also reported to have salons which abuse labour and immigration laws. In many cases, prostitution and drug dealing are also...
Mail Online (19-Aug-2013)
...this means Britain leaving the European Union. Attitudes towards immigration policy have shifted dramatically since 2009 when almost six in 10.. .
Express.co.uk (19-Aug-2013)
MP calls for immigration curbs to stay An MP is calling for temporary restrictions to the type of work Bulgarians and Romanians can do in the ...
Telegraph & Argus (19-Aug-2013)
Immigrant found in van in Wolverhampton with stolen goods. An immigrant was receiving stolen goods in the back of a van within days of arriving ...
Express & Star (19-Aug-2013)