Friday, 16 August 2013

August 16, 2013
Shoebat Newsletter
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Libyan Intel document bolstered by events in Egypt?
It would appear that the Libyan Intelligence document we referenced in our original report about an Egyptian connection to Benghazi, may have gotten another dose of credibility. According to a reputable Arabic source, an official with Egypt’s interior ministry has revealed that two individuals named in that Libyan Intelligence document have been arrested at Rabaa Al-Adawiya mosque in Nasr City, a neighborhood in Cairo.
Simon Conway interviews Walid about Egypt
Simon Conway interviewed Walid on WHO News Radio 1040 in Des Moines, IA today about the latest developments in Egypt. As a conservative from Great Britain who broadcasts from Iowa, Conway is indeed a rare bird. Walid referenced this post in which we reported on Muslim Brotherhood snipers killing their own supporters and unsuspecting protesters. Conway was very kind in referring to the accuracy of Walid’s predictions.
Syrian rebels McCain supports, executes young boys
Syrian rebels have done it again. They’ve justified their cause by executing two young boys at point blank range. These are the forces supported by jailed Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt who the Obama administration is wanting released.