Saturday 17 August 2013

August 17, 2013
Tolerance Equals Damnation
Many, if not most Christians have now become “sentimental” and soft against sin and the sinner. Especially in their own families. This is truly a satanic influence that has penetrated the once mighty church. No one can be tolerant toward sin (I John 3:4) of any kind and walk in complete fellowship with the Lord (Ps. 66:18).......
by Pastor Butch Paugh

Data Mining: Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching
Not only is the Common Core Standards about “dumbing down” our children under the guise of bringing them up, but it is all about Power, Control and especially Money! While many Americans worry about government drones in the sky spying on our private lives, NSA wire tapping our phones, Washington meddlers are already on the ground and in our schools gathering intimate data on children and families..........
by Diane Kepus

Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.

The Sad Wings of Destiny: Bonus Army, a Hurricane and Drones
With a progressive mindset settling over the nation, the veterans soon began to argue that they should receive "adjusted compensation" as reparation for the wages they lost while serving overseas. Though opposed by Presidents Harding and Coolidge, Congress created the "adjusted universal compensation" as a bonus in 1924. These interest earning government bonds would be paid out to the veterans in 1945.......
by Steven Neill

World Future 2013, Part 2
All bases will be covered—geopolitical, socio-economic, and religious. Former Danish ambassador and adjunct professor Joergen Oerstroem Moeller will flesh out an appropriate geopolitical model—one that manages “big data,” transcends economic obsession with the social justice model, and pulls anchor out from under the presumed-to-be defunct nation-states paradigm. Stephen Aguilar-Millan will address the provocative question......
by Debra Rae