Saturday 24 August 2013

August 24, 2013
Shoebat Newsletter
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BOOM! Evidence U.S. Bribed Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood?
**NOTE**  This is an extremely explosive report just days before the trials set to take place in Egypt, beginning on August 25th..**

Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat (pictured) is looking into evidence that arrested Muslim Brotherhood leaders accepted bribes from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, according to a report from Almesryoon, an Egyptian newspaper that cites a “judicial source”.

The trials that are scheduled to begin in Cairo on August 25th will feature a litany of charges against the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Included among them are murders, assassinations, prison escapes, sniping, indiscriminate killing of demonstrators, and collaborating with foreign governments, to include both the United States and Qatar.