Tuesday, 13 August 2013

analysis of Tory party disaster," 

“David Cameron wanted to define himself against our party to win,” one member put it. “Now we are happy to let him lose.”
That sums up the Tory party disaster under David Cameron who deliberately chose to defy Conservatism and lose the last election so he could feel more comfortable with his friend
(and enemy of Conservatism, nationhood and democracy) Nick Clegg, the most unpopular schoolboy in Britain. Naturally the grown ups have left the party driven out by eurofascism, mass immigration (which Clegg and Cameron welcome) anti-democratic corporatism buying up the political parties, high taxes, the decimation of high streets and communities, the destruction of marriage, the redefinition of "father" " mother" "husband" and "wife" - and even "children" (no longer the offspring of a father and mother).
Cameron lies to the people about mass immigration (pretending to stop it while concentrating solely on NET immigration) and is therefore happy to see every Briton leave Britain - so long as they are replaced by foreigners to the tune of no more than "tens of thousands net a year".
Cameron will lose the next election - willingly - like he lost the last one. He is far happier with Clegg than he is with Conservatives. Time, Money and Tory membership are running out.
So Cameron must go. Now.

Tory footsoldiers are deserting the battlefield. It could (WILL!) cost them the election 
By Matthew Holehouse Politics Last updated: August 9th, 2013

How many Tories are left? In the 1950s membership was north of three million, and wealthy local associations bought grand town houses to
turn into Conservative Clubs with bars and handsome dining rooms and dances every Friday night. By 2005, when David Cameron won the
leadership, the membership stood 258,000. The latest House of Commons estimates put the numbers at somewhere between 130 and
150,000. Now the party's own MPs openly admit the figure could be lower than 100,000, around half Labour’s membership. Speak to those in the
party outside Westminster, and they will tell you the branches out in the country are withering, and this could cost David Cameron an
outright majority at the next election.

However successful the brilliant strategists at CCHQ are at framing the election, unpicking Ed Miliband and winning the air war on the
radio and television, they fear Labour will hold and gain seats in a string of marginals because the troops the Tories need to fight the
ground war have gone. Central Office does not discuss membership figures, saying it is a matter for local associations.

But income from membership has slipped and slipped, from £1,085,000 in 2009 to £863,000 in 2011, to £747,000 last year. And if you read
the associations’ books, membership secretaries are despairing. In Milton Keynes, comprised of two-Tory held constituencies, full
voting membership (i.e. those who live in the constituency and pay dues to the central party) fell from 520 members  in 2010 to 300 in 
2011, and then down again to 264 in 2012. In Peterborough, with a Tory majority of 4,861, they are down to 140, from 264 in 2010.
“Income has decreased marginally this year owing to a reduction in membership subscriptions and fewer elected councillors,” the chairman wrote.
In Totnes, the safe seat of the fiercely independent Dr Sarah Wollaston, numbers have declined to 560, from 701 in 2010. In Brighton and Hove,
they are down to 356, from 424 in 2011. In Halesowen and Rowley Regis (majority 2,023), there are now 72 full members and two youth members.
In Sherwood, with a Conservative majority of 214, the party does not reveal its membership. But it took £730 from members’ subscriptions
last year – which at £25 a head works out at fewer than 30 members. The chairman wrote: “Expenditure over income during 2012 was
significant and is clearly unsustainable in the long term.”

In Croydon: “It has been a disappointing year for membership, with the declining trend of previous years continuing.” In Brentford and
Isleworth: “We continue to have difficulty in raising funds for our day-to-day activities.” In Loughborough: “Despite our efforts we have suffered a 10 per cent
reduction in membership income this year.” In Bristol North West: “Membership income dropped.”
Some branches have merged, creating the impression of buoyancy. Those are from the 2012 accounts. This year brought the “swivel-eyed loons” slur,
the death of Baroness Thatcher, which ended the ties of many to the party, and the passing of gay marriage, which appalled thousands of lifelong members.
“David Cameron wanted to define himself against our party to win,” one member, with hopes of becoming a candidate for Parliament, put it. “Now we are happy to let him lose.”

Ground wars can still decide elections: the leafleting, the canvassing, identifying the core vote, making sure people have
returned their postal ballots, and then, on the day, pushing the base by the thousand from their homes to the polls. These honed
operations are why the Liberal Democrats have become a stubborn force in the towns they choose to fight hard – such as Eastleigh –
and why Labour clung on to northern seats in 2010 as Gordon Brown stumbled and flailed.

“It’s an emergency,” says Ben Harris-Quinney, director of the Conservative Grassroots campaign group. “It’s a dire situation which is going to significantly constrain our ability to win in 2015 and beyond. Losing 70 per cent of our members is not something that can be reversed quickly.”

He wants the party to urgently consider open primaries for selecting candidates to get Tory-leaning neighbourhoods involved in the party
again. The average age of a local association in the sixties, and many of the most loyal lack the energy to spend long hours on the

“The writings on the wall because there’s no new blood coming in,” says Harris-Quinney. “All the modernisation agenda has done is turn off the older members. In 20 or 30 years’ time that meeting room is going to be empty, because there’s no 20, 30, 40 year-olds there now
that show a way back.” 
It's the same refrain in the cities and the rural heartlands. “We simply can’t get people to come out,” says one Tory organiser in West London,
who has become weary of seeing dozens of ambitious and young lawyers and accountants at party drinks events, but only half a dozen out on action days.

“The Party base has shrunk hugely and the thin band of those willing to leaflet and canvass is now close to extinction,” wrote Keith Mitchell, the former leader of Oxfordshire County Council, (CAMERON'S HOMELAND) in an open letter to David Cameron and Grant Shapps after the May elections.
“For [our] two candidates, their campaign team consisted of the candidate and me on a regular basis with occasional back-up from some of the district councillors but almost nothing else. We
had no chance of telling over a huge number of polling stations and, therefore, no prospect of getting out the vote on a scientific basis.”

Cameron will lose the next election - willingly - like he lost the last
one. He is far happier with Clegg than he is with Conservatives. Time,
Money and Tory membership are running out.
So Cameron must go. Now.

Rodney is an excellent historical researcher, but a very poor political

Cameron will be very richly rewarded for what he's doing right now and
has done. Societies and national identities HAVE TO collapse, to create
an acceptable New World Order. Cameron intends to bring that about.

I very much doubts he wants to be Prime Minister next time. If Labour
get back in, four things happen:

1. Irrespective of Tory wipeout, UKIP will die, simply because under
Farage's equally lukewarm and incompetent leadership, it will be blamed
for splitting the Tory vote and 'letting Labour in'. Farage knows the
party is ill-prepared and unfunded for any Westminster campaign, but he
has no idea how it should be operating, and doesn't want to win seats in
Westminster anyway. He's quite happy, however, to send other UKIP people
over-the-top, with broom handles and mops instead of proper political

2. Labour will continue with the same nation-destroying policies as the
Tory-Dim-Libs. More EU, more tax+waste, more immigration, more insane
'anti discrimination' laws, fewer real freedoms, a bigger and more
intrusive state, banking sector with an iron grip on national assets.
Cameron wants this too, but realises he'll be called out on it by real
conservatives. If Labour are in charge, it's no concern of his.

3. The festering, corrupt, putrid sore that is 'devolution' will
continue to get worse, making the UK even less governable by sensible
people. Despite this, all the devolutionists will be delighted to
embrace EU diktats, as it puffs up their pride by treating their talking
shops as the parliaments of real countries (albeit emasculated ones).

4. The Tories will split over their dreadful defeat, leaving a shambles
in right-of-centre politics. Cameron will be ousted or resign, but he
won't actually care: his job is done.
