Sunday, 4 August 2013

Two Faces of Conservatism, Part 1
The 4th Annual Western Conservative Summit was called to Order on July 26th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Denver by John Andrews, director of the Centennial Institute. It was attended by 2,000 people who define themselves as “Conservatives.” I was surprised at the quality, content and efficiency – especially the size – of the Conference. The Hyatt Regency did a great job hosting the event. It was, generally speaking, one of the best conferences I’ve attended (and I’ve been to a lot of them). The 2013 version......
by Marilyn M. Barnewall

Your congress critter in your district - act now or we're doomed
We demand as many border patrol agents get hired to lock down the border. It's a serious national security issue. Tell your congress critter BULL there isn't money. You people stole $1.5 BILLION BORROWED dollars last week from we the people to give to Egypt, but won't spend the money to stop the illegals invasion. Step up deporting illegals, adults and minors. Forget damn politics and votes. Go rent a bucket of guts and put Americans first instead of liars, cheats and thieves..........
by Devvy Kidd

Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.

Political Sermons From Pastors in the Founding Era, Part 2
This message was preached because of the belief in that day that an absolute obedience to those in authority was required by scripture. Mayhew did a three part series of which this is the third, that discussed in detail what he believed, and rightly so, to be the Biblical position was concerning this. It is believed that this series was a major part of the birth of desire for independence.......
by Pastor Roger Anghis

No, You Can't Borrow My Book
Stealing a man's asset is bad enough...but stealing a tool with which he earns a living! God views that as considerably worse and requires restitution to be appropriately higher. Earning a living is a holy activity and the tools that make it possible acquire some holiness too.......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin