Sunday, 4 August 2013
Daha Mohammed….you know…you must have heard about him…he cut the throat of a wheel chair bound man. I’d never heard of this….thanks to Oldbloke for raising this in the comments…though Reed mentioned it way back when on another Open Thread. On May 22nd Lee Rigby was hacked to death. On June 15th Colin Greenway had his throat cut. Most of us have probably never heard this news. It doesn’t … Continue reading
Paul Weston in the comments on a previous post claims that ‘The idea that Britain could erupt into tribal/religious bloodshed and carnage is simply not accepted by these ignorant children within the BBC who know nothing of history.’ Some readers might be thinking that is over the top, there is absolutely no danger of that happening here. Very recent history says different…just think of the Balkans….or Northern Ireland…if … Continue reading
The BBC has decided it should take lobbying of politicians seriously…not in this country where Unite can rig elections and ‘swamp’ the Labour candidate list for MEPs….and all with Miliband’s approval (ignored by the BBC)……and not in the case of conflicts of interest such as when the BBC ignored completely the revelations about Tim Yeo and his massive green industry financial interests whilst at the same time being chairman … Continue reading
Is the BBC biased? looks at a suggestion in the Telegraph: Of course people at the BBC are biased: why not make a virtue of it? We need the BBC to be more like the newspapers – open about the unavoidably political beliefs of its staff Not sure it would work. The point of the BBC is to try, I say try, to provide a gold standard … Continue reading
BBC breathlessly informs us that Labour has become the second-largest party on Norfolk County Council after winning the Thetford West by-election. BBC not so quick to discuss the fact that ALL but one of Labour’s prospective MEP candidates for next year are linked to UNITE.
Bit of a struggle to find this on the BBC world class website….? Brought to my attention earlier so maybe they gave finally covered it? Gang chanted ‘Lee Rigby’ as they kicked soldier in Exeter underpass
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Britannia Radio