Dear Daily Crux reader, Here is today's Crux update: There's an unusual situation in one of the world's most important commodities "Headline news these days is all about slowing economic growth..." Six ways to verify the authenticity of gold and silver "When purchasing gold or silver, always trust your instincts..." Five popular condiments you should stop eating immediately "Can turn an otherwise nutritious meal into a metabolic nightmare..." Detailed charts suggest this could be an incredible time to buy more gold "It's going to appear like the bears are back in control of the market..." Activist investor Carl Icahn just announced his next BIG idea "We currently have a large position... We believe the company to be extremely undervalued..." ------------ Advertisement ---------- 90 seconds could save you thousands or more dollars… There are a lot of ways you could spend the next 90 seconds of your life, but few will pay bigger dividends than setting up your 'trailing stop' alerts on all your open positions. ------------------------------------- The "secret" good news from the Japanese nuclear disaster "Nobody paid much attention to that fact..." Trader alert: This market "general" could be completing a major top "Will a break below support take the market with it?" A surprising way to bet on a rebound in Europe "Europe is rocking!" Ten time-tested investment rules to "live by" "Have historically kept investors out of trouble over the long term..." Regards, Justin Brill Managing Editor, The Daily Crux |
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
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Britannia Radio