Saturday 3 August 2013

How Governments Use Disinformation....Toward a Militarized Police State – Part II & Part 1.......

AUG 3, 2013
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How Governments Use Disinformation

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130031 08/03/2013 How Governments Use Disinformation
As Secretary of State John Kerry announces resumption of peace talks (again), John’s boralogue once again tracks the multi-dimensional chess game in the Middle East, this time with an emphasis on the hidden role economics and energy play in the geopolitics of the region.
This week’s emerging militarized police state thread takes an unusual thrust. For years the communists used systematic disinformation to discredit enemies and confuse their opponents. The hard part for westerners to understand is that their governments oftentimes do the same thing. Our first guest is Professor Ronald Rychlak, co-author of the book, “Disinformation.” His partner is Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, formerly the chief of communist Romania’s espionage service.
The amount of verbal vitriol following the George Zimmerman trial verdict stunned many, making it clear the racial rhetoric of the last 50 years has only driven wedges between racial groups rather than promoting unity. It’s also clear that the path out these conflicts involve education and moral issues, which will fall on the shoulders of individuals rather than government programs or activist groups. Pastor and Professor John Coleman ( returns for an in-depth conversation about things that actually work in south central Los Angeles to give minority youth the education they need.
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JUL 27, 2013
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Toward a Militarized Police State – Part II

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130030 07/27/2013 Toward a Militarized Police State – Part II
John’s boralogue tracks the latest developments in the Middle East with an analysis of the situation using a multi-dimensional chess model, where different layers of the model interact and interfere with one another.
Then we’ll pursue the thread opened on the show last week surrounding the emerging militarized police state. How often have you heard people say, “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about.” Criminal defense attorney Harvey Silverglate ( couldn’t disagree more. In his book, “Three Felonies a Day, How the Feds Target the Innocent,” Mr. Silverglate says we’re drowning in laws that are impossible for us to know, and he documents how hundreds of Americans are being prosecuted and oftentimes jailed for “crimes” they had no way of knowing were crimes.
It was bad enough when army training materials identified evangelicals and Roman Catholics as being terrorist threats on a par with Islamic extremists, but pressure continues to mount on military chaplains to compromise their faith to match politically correct norms. Commander John Wells (USN, Ret.) ( is an attorney addressing the issue of chaplains who are being harassed by their superiors.
Finally, did we ever have a president who understood economics well? Surprisingly that president was Calvin Coolidge. When the recession of the early 1920s was underway, he kept hands off and the economy, allowing it to bounce on its own, as contrasted with Herbert Hoover, who created the Great Depression by increasing taxes and regulation after the stock market crash in 1929. Charles Johnson is author of “Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lesson from American’s Most Underrated President.”

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JUL 24, 2013
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Toward a Militarized Police State – Part I

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130029 07/20/2013 Toward a Militarized Police State – Part I
Busy show today.
First, John’s boralogue assesses what we have learned about the media from the entire Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman coverage.
Then we’ll open a new thread on the show beginning a series of expositions on the emerging police state. The number of people dying while being tasered is emerging as a serious concern, especially when this is touted as a “non-lethal” method of compliance enforcement. David Jaques is editor and publisher of the Roseburg Beacon ( in Roseburg, Oregon.
Then back to the Middle East again where we’re attempting to monitor weekly the pulse of this rapidly-changing geopolitical situation. David Ruben is former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and author of “Peace for Peace, Israel and the New Middle East.” He is also founder of the Shiloh Children’s Fund, which provides support for children who have been victims of terrorism.
We’re going to pursue a second thread this summer to find out exactly what’s happening with Obamacare. This will include a round table in a future show. Today Dr. Jane Orient from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons is back with us to provide an update.
Finally, a new EEG test was approved this week and to diagnose children who have ADHD. Barbara Dianis, MA Ed, is author of “Don’t Count Me Out.”
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JUL 19, 2013

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