Inside Egypt’s Terrorist Camps: Torture, Rape, Mass Murder
Hillary Group Partnered With Company That Laundered $250 Billion For Iran And Violated Sanctions
Defend Daniel Seaman!!
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Negotiations begin in secrecy
I don’t see how borders and security can be discussed without getting into all the issues. But what can be discussed is what settlements go, what settlements stay and which will remain undetermined. Ted Belman
- “crucial to first tackle the issues of security and borders. The reason, he said, was that once this issue was resolved, the settlements would no longer be a point of contention because it would be agreed where Israel could, and could not, build.”
Despite the loud and angry protestations from the PA over the past three days regarding announcements on the eve of the talks concerning plans to build housing units in east Jerusalem and the major settlement blocs, Kerry said the move took neither the US nor Abbas by surprise.
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Egyptian army enters Cairo to enforce curfew under state of emergency.
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Israel’s fast evolving demography
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel