Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Tuesday, 06 August 2013 11:54

'It should be very clear by now, to most thoughtful people, that we are well down the road of engineered collapse. Some might argue that we are already in the manifestation of ‘the end of days’.
It’s not important. What is important is to recognize that a combination of political corruption, corporate greed and military warmongering have pushed this planet’s ecological, social and cultural heart beat to the very edge of thrombosis. And that what stands behind this state of affairs is no longer a precipitous act of nature – as may have been the case 10,000 years ago – but a tightly knit enclave of power brokers.
These power broker’s agenda is, and has been, to foster the establishment of a destructive web, designed in such a way that the populous as a whole is subjected to a daily dose of toxic medicine, designed to instil an unbroken stream of anxiety and fear.'
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Britannia Radio