by Bill Levinson
Palestinian Soldiers of Allah murder sleeping families (e.g. the
Fogel family) at night. Soldier of Allah Nidal Hasan took an oath he never intended to keep (taqqiya), wore the uniforms of the people he intended to murder while he accepted their trust, shot them while they were unarmed and unsuspecting, and continued to shoot them when they were wounded and helpless. 1250 foot pounds divided by Nidal Hasan’s weight equals the length of the solution, or a lethal injection (like the one used for putting down a rabid animal) will work just as well.

Soldier of Allah Nidal Hasan
(Good journalistic practice is to say “alleged shooter” until he is convicted, but he has admitted openly that he did it.)
The EU published its guidelines outlawing all dealings with settlements in order to entice Palestinians back to talks, Saeb Erekat adds
In a lengthy interview with Nazareth-based A-Shams radio, Erekat said that the US had assured Palestinians in writing that talks would recognize the pre-1967 lines as the basis of a Palestinian state; would deal with all core issues (Jerusalem, refugees, borders, security and water); would take place within a six- to nine-month timetable; and would not allow for any provisional or interim solutions before a final status agreement was signed. Erekat also said that an American-Israeli agreement existed regarding settlements, but did not elaborate on its contents.
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by Isi Leibler
Reviewing Israel’s political situation after two weeks abroad is a disconcerting exercise.
As anticipated, the Arab Spring has devolved into a bloody nightmare that has engulfed Egypt, leaving Israel surrounded by a sea of violence and barbarism with no prospect for stability on the horizon. Yet whilst hundreds of people are being brutally killed daily, the international community remains obsessed with condemning Israel for allowing the construction of homes in the Jewish suburbs of East Jerusalem.
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