Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013


Muslim Brotherhood's Top Hate Preacher Arrested

Rabid Bigot Busted

O you Zionists who usurp and act aggressively to our holy places… every drop of blood shed by the hand of the Zionist on the land of the beloved Palestine will be cursed by Allah no matter how long it takes or how many years: the blood of the Deir Yassin massacre, the massacre at the Ibrahim Mosque, Qana in south Lebanon, the blood of the prisoners in Sinai, the blood of the Golan Heights, in Gaza and the West Bank, and in every inch of the land of Palestine that has been irrigated in the blood of martyrs…" (Risalat al Ikhwan, October 11, 2012)
- Mohammad Badie, eighth General Guide of the Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood's supreme clerical fascist ideologue has been arrested.

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CIA Admits Role in Saving Iran from Soviet Domination

The CIA has finally admitted its role in the 1953 coup in Iran that removed a populist, Soviet-leaning prime minister, Mohammed Mossadeq.

The strikingly successful CIA operation strengthened the Shah, who ruled Iran for 26 years as a modernizing and staunchly pro-Western monarch.

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Khomeini precursor Kashani and Mossadeq.
The CIA-supported coup saved Iran from coming under Soviet mastery and also saved it, arguably, from being taken over by backward Shiite clerics led by a politically ambitious, viciously anti-American and anti-Israel Khomeini precursor, the Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Kashani. Mossadeq and Kashani were allies, initially. But they became bitter rivals after the secular politician resisted Kashani's demands for a shariah state; and Kashani, who briefly served as chairman of Iran's parliament, ultimately joined the Shiite clerical establishment in supporting the Shah over Mossadeq. The Shah, who transformed Iran into a powerful, oil-producing nation, fell out of favor with the clerics because of his pro-Western political orientation, literacy and educational programs for peasants, emancipation of women, and tolerance and protection of religious minorities.

At the end of the day, Iran's king, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, underestimated the power and ruthlessness of the mullahs; and his failure to crush the clerical fascist menace when this was still possible resulted in his ouster and exile, and to his country's name becoming synonymous with barbarism, terrorism, and war … and a mad march toward atomic armageddon.


Only in Texas: Oil Boom Leads to Unpaved Roads

Europeans and Africans Astonished at American Idiocy

Only in today's Texas could an energy … boom … plunge a state into Third World conditions.

Texas used to have some of the best roads in the United States. No longer. The DOT is ripping up roads because of increased traffic and lack of funds and replacing paved roads with … gravel … roads.

Lyndon Johnson must be rolling in his grave.

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Mubarak Could Soon be Freed; Terrorists Kill 25 Police in Sinai

The Obama administration's betrayal and abandonment of Hosni Mubarak--an important, peace-preserving American ally--unleashed a nightmare in Egypt. Long-suppressed Islamists, including individuals linked to the assassination of Egypt's peacemaking president, Anwar Sadat, came to power and established terrorist bases in the Sinai peninsula.

Now, Mubarak could soon be freed. The news coincides with reports that Islamist terrorists in Sinai ambushed and killed 25 Egyptian police officers.

Unfortunately, Islamist-appeasing and -sympathizing media outlets have little interest in atrocities committed by Islamists. Following the party line of the Obama administration and its European allies, the media disinformers downplay--or ignore--terrorist massacres, bombings and beheadings.

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Obama's complicity in the ouster of Mubarak recalls Jimmy Carter's catastrophic complicity in the ouster of Iran's Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Fortunately for the Egyptian people, its military, unlike the Iranian military, intervened to end the Islamist terrorist nightmare.