Thursday 1 August 2013


Obama intends to impose a solution  

Since this was first published in “09, Obama has appointed a Power, Hagel and Indyk and has announced the solution he intends to impose, namely ’67 lines plus swaps and a division of Jerusalem. Kerry says, “The US can’t afford to stay on the sidelines. Ted Belman
By Ted Belman (first published Dec 7/09)
Obama has surrounded himself with a host of vehemently ant-Israel advisors including Lee Hamilton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samantha Power, Susan Rice and Gen Jones, many of who advocate imposing a solution on Israel.
So it was no surprise that he started his term of office by attacking Israel, America’s  best and most steadfast ally, and demanding a complete settlement freeze east of the greenline including Jerusalem. He went so far as to repudiate the US commitment set out in the Bush ‘04 letter to Sharon saying there was no agreement. Elliot Abrams and others involved in the negotiations which led to the letter testified otherwise.
In January ‘09 before Obama had gotten his act together, Haaretz, reported:
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The facts of life in the MIddle East  

By Avi Bell
If Israel refuses to negotiate, that proves Israel is not interested in
peace, because it refuses to negotiate.
If the Palestinians refuse to negotiate, that proves Israel is not
interested in peace, because the Palestinians can see negotiations with
Israel are pointless.
If Israel makes preconditions to negotiations, that proves Israel is not
interested in peace, because it is trying to avoid negotiations.
If the Palestinians make preconditions to negotiations, that proves Israel
is not interested in peace, because the Palestinians have to force Israel to
be serious in the negotiations.
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Why Europe Is an Enemy of Israel  

For nearly two millennia, the European continent has been a land of persecution and hatred for the Jewish people. The blood libels and the vilest accusations against the Jews have been accompanied by violence, pogroms, and confinement in ghettos and of course death camps. Eight decades ago, in the 1930′s, anti-Semitism was considered honorable and aroused few objections. Later, the Nazi machine set into motion the “final solution,” and zealous collaborators existed in virtually all of continental Europe. “Willing executioners” were not only Germans — far from it.
After 1945, anti-Semitism suddenly became unmentionable, and European anti-Semites had to be silent. But they did not disappear. In the 1960s, after the Six Day War, a new way of being anti-Semitic emerged that allowed them to recycle their old way: they could not be “anti-Semites”, but they could be “anti-Israelis”. They rejoiced when General de Gaulle inFrance spoke of the Jews as a “proud and domineering people,” and saw those words as a kind of official sanction, a green light. Since then, “anti-Israelism” rapidly became mainstream. European politicians, diplomats and journalists have done their best never to miss an opportunity to berate and criticize Israel. Anti-Semitic terms used in the 1930s began to be used again, this time to describe the Jewish State.
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Very Good News Israel  

Abba Eban famously stated that the Palestinian Arab leadership never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.  This week Israel made another huge traumatic concession just to initiate another opportunity to conduct peace talks.  In parallel news, Israelis continued to make the most of numerous opportunities to benefit humanity.
Israelis have made several opportunist discoveries recently.  Scientists at Tel Aviv University struck gold when they found that heart cells integrated with nano-fibers of the precious metal improve electrical signaling between cells to strengthen the contraction of cardiac muscle. The TAU scientists are using this to create cardiac patches for replacing damaged heart tissues.  At Ben-Gurion University researchers discovered that methylphenidate – used to treat ADHD sufferers – is also successful in reducing the risk of falling by the elderly.  And TAU Professor Illana Gozes has created a new peptide (short protein) called NAP which she has found has benefits for Alzheimer’s, ALS and Parkinson’s sufferers.
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PM appeases right with territories construction  Edit Link

31 July 13 09:43, Globes’ correspondent
Although the government’s decision to release 104 security prisoners ahead of the resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians was resentfully accepted by Habayit Hayehudi, behind the party’s decision to stay in the coalition, despite bitter objections by its members, is an agreement between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Housing and Construction Uri Ariel. Hebrew daily “Ma’ariv” reports that, under the agreement, Israel will unfreeze building plans for thousands of housing units in Judea and Samaria in exchange for keeping Habayit Hayehudi in the coalition.
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Bolton: Netanyahu Releasing Prisoners to Get US Help on Iran  

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton says it is a “mistake” for Israel to release 104 Arab prisoners, but that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is likely making a political calculation to get U.S. help later.
The move makes sense to Netanyahu, Bolton told Fox Business Network, because he is focused on the most important issue in the region: Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Netanyahu is facing a hard decision on whether to strike, and if he does he wants to be in a place to tell Obama, “I have done everything you asked me on the Israel-Palestinian question, despite the political cost, now I want you to stand with me against Iran,” Bolton said on “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”
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Israel faces legal hurdles to free 104 convicted killers  

This week, if you followed newscasts on the Israel Broadcasting Authority and the Israel Defense Forces Radio and nearly all of the Israeli media, you would have been convinced that Israel has already freed 104 convicted murderers in accordance with the Israel Cabinet decision of July 28, and nothing can to be done to stop that process.
That is not the case.
Over the past few days, I wore my MSW hat and interfaced with social work professionals from Israel Prison Service system, who confirmed that, according to Israel penal law, there is no such thing as “automatic” clemency, pardon or commutation for someone who has been convicted of murder or attempted murder.
There is a “security risk” form that the Israel Prison Service must submit concerning each convict, known as “HaArachat Misukanut” which is binding upon the decision as to whether or not a convict can be released.
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Obama drops the other shoe (on Israel)  

Obama mentor Edward Said symbolically throws a stone at
Israel across Lebanese border, July 2000
Obama mentor Edward Said symbolically throws a stone at Israel across Lebanese border, July 2000
With the start of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in Washington, there is one overriding question:
What does the Obama administration think it will get out of this?
We know what the Palestinians want: They hope to see Israel forced to stop construction outside of the Green Line, while they push forward with EU-funded projects to create facts on the ground in Israeli-administered Area C. They hope to make it impossible for Israel to back away from the idea that the 1949 armistice lines are in fact the boundaries of ‘Palestinian land’, and not mere accidents of history. They want to further cement their narrative about history and international law, including fantastic conceptions like ‘right of return’ in the world’s — and America’s — consciousness. They have already gained agreement to the release of many convicted murderers, a humiliating loss of face for Israel and a huge propaganda victory for them. (Read more…)

This is not Peace It is Pure Nazi Ideology  

Abbas tell the truth, but those listening pretend not to hear.
Imagine if any political leader would say: “No ‘nigger’ will be allowed to live in my state”. He would be denounced correctly, as a racist, a bigot.
That does not seem to include Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Arab leader of Ramallah, who on the verge of the new “peace talks” in Washington just declared: “In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands”.
This is not “peace”, but pure Nazism, it is ethnic cleansing. And instead of the expression “final resolution”, Abbas should have said what he really means, “final solution”.
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United States Presses Israel to Release Murderers but won’t release Pollard  


The Israeli cabinet took a courageous and politically unpopular step by
approving the release of 104 Palestinian prisoners, including many
terrorists who had murdered Israeli babies, women, the elderly and other
civilians. According to Israeli intelligence some of these released
murderers are likely to rejoin terrorist organizations and may kill again.
Relatives and friends of the victims have protested the decision to release
these killers. Yet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his
cabinet withstood these pressures and ordered their release.
The United States government had pressured the Israeli government to release
these prisoners because the Palestinian Authority had made their release a
condition to resuming peace talks. The Israeli government, which had agreed
to peace talks with no preconditions, submitted to the Palestinian
precondition, and talks are now likely to go forward.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel