Thursday, 22 August 2013

Prophecy News Headlines

If you believe that China is our “friend”, then you have been deceived. While U.S. politicians, the mainstream media and the U.S. military may consider China to be a “friend” and a “partner”, the Chinese see things very, very differently. As you will see below, documents produced at the highest levels of the Chinese government make it abundantly clear that China considers the United States to be a mortal enemy.  .......  Click here for full story
The federal government is making progress on developing a surveillance system that would pair computers with video cameras to scan crowds and automatically identify people by their faces, according to newly disclosed documents and interviews with researchers working on the project. ........  Click here for full story
Where is the United States in Prophecy? 
Is The Next Major Wave Of The Economic Collapse On The Horizon?
We have not seen so many financial trouble signs all come together at one time like this since just prior to the last major financial crisis. It is almost as if a "perfect storm" is brewing, and a lot of the "smart money" has already gotten out of stocks and bonds. .......  Click here for full story
A proposed new super president of the European Union would have responsibility over Europe's economic matters, all foreign policy, and any European military operation. .......  Click here for full story
Are you a Christian? Do you oppose Obamacare? Well, according to MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, those two are mutually exclusive. Schultz claimed on the “The Ed Show” this Saturday that only “phony Christians” oppose the Affordable Care Act.......  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview/Issues 
On A Mission To Save Godless Massachusetts
Once Upon A Time, Boston was a “city upon a hill.” Anyway, that’s what Governor John Winthrop told future Massachusetts residents sailing here in 1630. Evangelism practically started in this region in the 18th century, with Northampton’s Jonathan Edwards and his fiery sermons like “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Yet today only about 11 percent of New Englanders consider themselves evangelical Christians, according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. That’s compared with 26 percent nationwide and more than 50 percent in Bible Belt states.... Click here for full story
Many reading the news over the past few weeks may have given up on trying to understand what is going on. Is the fall of president Mohamed Morsi in Egypt affecting the Syrian war, and are Syrian events influencing the terrorist groups regionally? Why do the Saudis support the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, but not in Egypt? Is the Syrian war driving Sunni and Shi’ite terrorists together or apart?.........  Click here for full story