Sunday 18 August 2013


Saudi King Abdullah backs Egypt’s military ruler, warns against outside interference  

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 16, 2013, 10:33 PM
Facing condemnation at every hand from the West, Egypt’s military rulers received a powerful shot in the arm from Riyadh Friday, Aug. 16, with an unprecedented public assurance from Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz that the kingdom supports Egypt in the fight “against terrorism” – the military rulers’ term for Muslim Brotherhood resistance. In a statement broadcast by official Al-Ekhbariya TV, Abdullah said Egypt’s stability is being targeted by “haters” and warned that anyone that interferes in Egypt’s internal affairs seeks to “waken sedition.”
DEBKAfile and DEBKA Weekly have been reporting since last week that Saudi Arabia and the UAR stand firmly behind Egypt’s military strongman Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi.
(Read more…)

The Israeli negotiator’s handbook  

So far, we have seen negotiations about negotiations. Negotiations about the very existence of negotiations. Only now do the real peace talks seem poised to begin.
After many years of dealing with Israeli issues, and armed with the experience — not to mention quite a few scars — as an official who served as the head of the security committee during talks with the Jordanians, the Syrians and the Palestinians, I’m ready to offer my services and recommend seven core principles for this round of new-old negotiations.
1) A speedy, decisive return to negotiations, without any preconditions:
We must stop acquiescing to preconditions such as the release of terrorists. Freeing these prisoners is problematic both from an ethical and tactical perspective. The U.S. set that precondition. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has decisively and wisely pushed peace talks forward, accepted it, to the best of my understanding, to neutralize prospects of either a settlement freeze or an early discussion on the 1967 borders. Negotiators must now return to a position of “no preconditions” in all other matters.(Read more…)

Into the Fray: Justifying Judeocide  

... the Israeli government committed many of the mistakes that a state could commit in the war against terror. Its fundamental mistake… was to capitulate to the terrorists’ political demands… It released thousands of jailed terrorists…
many of whom promptly took up their weapons and returned to ply their trade. –Binyamin Netanyahu, Fighting Terrorism, 2001… we cannot gloss over the colossal capitulation of our prime minister… Binyamin Netanyahu has degenerated from merely disappointing to downright dangerous. 
– Rabbi Stewart Weiss, The Jerusalem Post, August 8.

Why is such a move, which the American broker would probably not agree to at all if the terrorists had killed US citizens, let alone as a condition for starting negotiations, become a legitimate condition because Palestinians are demanding it of Israel? 
– Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, in rejecting (??) a petition to prevent Tuesday’s release of 26 convicted Palestinians murderers, August 12. (Read more…)

Sherrilyn Church, proudly opposes Islam and wants mosques banned  

A CANDIDATE for the Prime Minister’s seat of Griffith has put outlawing the Islamic faith front and centre of her election campaign, branding it a “religion from hell” and claiming that building mosques in Australia is “high treason”.
Sherrilyn Church of the Rise Up Australia Party says her top policy priority in the election is to ban the building of mosques in the electorate, south of Brisbane.
Ms Church – a small-time citrus farmer from Crows Nest on the Darling Downs – said her primary concern for the electorate was “the Islamisation of the city by councils giving permission for mosques to be erected”.
(Read more…)

Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel