Sunday 11 August 2013

Stamped with the EU flag from cradle to grave: Brussels replaces royal crest on UK birth certificates with euro logo – against ministers’ wishes

'All babies born in  Britain could have the EU flag stamped on their birth certificate within three years.Eric Pickles said there was nothing he could do to prevent the emblem from replacing the royal crest on birth, marriage and death certificates.
The Communities Secretary warned the move was part of a Brussels plot to brand people as European citizens ‘from cradle to grave’.'

Congress exempts itself from Obamacare

'I wish I could say I was shocked by President Obama's decision to exempt lawmakers and their staffs from the ravages of his signature "healthcare reform" law, but I'm not.

For one, the president has issued so many waivers and exemptions to political allies since the U.S. Supreme Court mistakenly upheld the law as constitutional that it figured he would do the same for Congress. And two, back in May, the leaders of both parties were caught negotiating in secret to find a way to exempt themselves from a law the Legislative Branch passed.

Granted, the decision to largely exempt lawmakers "officially" came from a "ruling" issued by the Office of Personnel Management. But the OPM is part of the federal bureaucracy, and the federal bureaucracy is managed by the Executive Branch, which is headed by the president. Plus, it's being reported that Obama personally intervened to ensure this "ruling" was issued.'