Wednesday, 7 August 2013


The BBC seems to be running a series of attacks on UKIP. The latest one uses the old “bongo bongo” riff from many years ago and does everything possible to demonise UKIP’s Godfrey Bloom. The source for the attack is the BBC’s print arm, The Guardian. One can understand WHY the BBC loathes UKIP and I am sure that ahead of next year’s Euro elections, we will see much more … Continue reading 

We Mujahadeen….

  Hadda in the comments has also noticed this….. Hilary Andersson has tried to put some distance between ‘Islam’ and the Boston Bombers….going so far as to air the suggestion that they weren’t true Jihadis at all but were possibly in thrall to white supremacist right wing ideology. At least Mark Mardell, when he famously denied that Major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 fellow soldiers in the name of Islam, didn’t try … Continue reading