Friday 16 August 2013

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August 16, 2013

A big night in Florida!!

A textbook victory and a victory over CAIR

Dear Harold,

Two meetings, literally across the street from each other, made for a big night for the Brevard County,
Florida chapter of ACT! for America (called the “Space Coast” chapter due to the presence of the Kennedy
Space Center in the county).

On one side of the street the Brevard County School Board met. One of the items on its agenda was a review
of a world history textbook that is flawed and biased on the subject of Islam. A number of ACT! for America
members attended and one of them provided public testimony about the errors in the book.

After all was said and done, the board agreed that the textbook was flawed. It adopted a proposal that a
committee be established to provide supplemental material to counter-balance the textbook errors.

This in itself would have been a big victory. But here’s the really great news—an ACT! for America member
 was invited to be on the committee tasked with providing supplemental material!

On the other side of the street, the ACT! for America Space Coast chapter hosted a speaker named
 Jonathan Matusitz, a professor at the University of Central Florida who gave a presentation on “civilization
jihad.” The meeting was held in a Brevard County commission meeting room.

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) tried to get the county to cancel the meeting.
This is the same tactic CAIR used recently in Minnesota, when it tried to get two ACT! for America
meetings cancelled.
Not only did CAIR fail in its efforts to get the Minnesota events cancelled, CAIR’s antics helped increase
turnout at the ACT! events.

CAIR failed in Minnesota and it failed again this time. Two hundred people packed the Brevard County Commission room! We commend Brevard County for standing by its policy of allowing different groups with different positions on issues to exercise their free speech rights.

Once again CAIR, a propaganda front organization for the terrorist group Hamas, not only failed in its efforts to muzzle free speech, it actually helped turn out people for an ACT! event.

And once again, ACT! for America demonstrated its grassroots strength.

Well done, ACT! Space Coast!


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591