When the Tory MP Invaded Spain, by Mistake | Speccie
Nixon on August | WaPo
Mandatory Tweets of the Left | Dan Hodges
How BBC Silences Critics | Telegraph
Smashing Fracking Myths | Times
Diane Abbott Charges Students Thousands | Trending Central
Right Wing? You Must Be Really Stupid | Spiked
BBC Sneers at UK, Leaps on Tiny EU Bounce | Stephen Glover
Labour’s Eggacy | Harry Cole
Farage Taunting Tories

GuidoGram Going Out Shortly

Thousands of Westminster insiders read the Guidogram, everyone from Downing Street insiders to Fleet Street never miss it.
Join the conspiracy and become a subscriber to the Guidogram, free, to keep in the loop. You’re either in front of Guido, or behind…
Is Mark Thompson Cracking Up?
It would seem former BBC Director General Mark Thompson, who is now the boss of the New York Times, is not looking forward to his upcoming appearance before Parliament. A witness tells the New York Post’s Page Six:
Apparently the team from Channel Four were asking the expat about Savile. Add to that the pay-off scandal and you can understand why Thompson is a little tetchy…“I saw a cameraman and a reporter speaking to Thompson outside his apartment before rush hour,” says the source. “He was tense and angry and was talking very loudly. They followed him around the corner and he lost his temper and shouted at them. It really caused a scene.” The source added, “Someone needs to tell him that we can do without this kind of scene happening in the neighborhood.”
Current Affairs Magazine ABCs

- Private Eye: 222,880
- The Economist: 209,274
- The Week: 197,255
- The Spectator: 52,641
- MoneyWeek: 52,027
- The Oldie: 44,026
Poll Ed-Ache

“63 per cent of people say they do not like Mr Miliband, up from 56 per cent last October and 51 per cent in January 2011. The latest score is his worst as leader and compares to ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s in July 2008.”The Son of Brown is finding it hard to break free from his political father’s shadow.

Personally Guido would have gone with Ed’s Benedict…
UKIP Rebrand in Wales to “The Black Independence Party”

So UKIP now have a Welsh website. And they claim their name in Welsh is“Plaid Annibyniaeth y Du”. Now if that was DU, not Du, it would be the abbreviation of the UK in Welsh (Y Deyrnas Unedig). As it is, Du translates as the “Black Independence Party”:

A pretty big rebranding….
Germans Blink on Dave’s EU Reform Plan

Angela Merkel has given the Dave a glimmer of hope in his ambitious plan to claw back even a scrap of power from Brussels. The Fresh Start Group of Tory MPs who want reform are point out an interview the German Chancellor has given:
“So we discuss if we need even more competences for Europe. However, we can also consider whether we can give something back.”Given that Merkel is campaigning for re-election in September, we can take what she says with a pinch of salt but some ground is definitely being given. It’s no longer a straight forward no…