Thursday 28 May 2009


>> THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009

So, Conservative Julie Kirkbride has fallen on her sword and will not seek re-election. On the One News the BBC has been covering this from the feminist angle on of just how difficult it is for "working mums" to get the work/life balance and also from the angle of how few female MP's that Cameron will be left with. (Nice dig at the unrepresentative Tories, natch!) In addition, did you notice the way that Labour trougher Margaret Moran has been thrown to the media wolves just as Kirkbride hits the buffs. A good day to bury bad Labour news?


You have to hand it to the BBC, if there is ONE subject which brings out their innate bias, it is that of Israel. Did anyone else catch THIS item from earlier today? Not once is the tricky issue of Palestinian terrorism brought up during the entire interview even though it is central to Israel's need to ensure effective security. I also was interested in the way in which Obama's one-sided kow-towing to Palestinian interests in treated as the right course of action by the BBC. Couldn't help but wonder if Humphyrs had his Keffiyeh on when conducting this interview? (Also, can anyone tell me where the "West Bank" is? Could this refer to Judea and Samaria? Just wondering....) The Fatah representative was allowed to get away with murder, plus ca change.


Let us praise Julie Kirkbride, she who is now a martyr to the cause of troughing MP's! Don't get me wrong - I think that she is a first class disgrace and should follow in her husband's footsteps and not seek re-election. Her refusal to do so is allowing the BBC to run this story as IF she were the focus of the expenses sleaze and thus provide Labour with some cover, and of course thee BBC treats the Lib-Dem's as paragons of virtue. It's interesting to watch the return of Tory Sleaze as the headline grabber on the BBC just one week before the Euro-election and local Council polls. Entirely coincidental, no doubt.