NYT Promotes 'National Security' Climate Fears
The heart of the “national security” argument is merely a redux of the 1970's laughable scares about famines and resource scarcity. Those same baseless claims and fear mongering arguments are simply being shamelessly updated with a military uniform. It is sad to see members of our armed forces wearing their uniforms promoting such unsubstantiated and embarrassing drivel.........
by Marc Morano
Empty Cradles, Demographic Destiny and the Death of the West
Yet there are problems even when social programs are removed from the equation. The young and vibrant are the worker bees; they are the inventors, innovators and creators of wealth. They drive the economy. Of course, the elderly may take jobs out of necessity or boredom, but they can match the economic engine of a peak-working-years population little more than they could match it on the athletic field. This is part of the reason why famed economist Adam Smith taught that decreasing population correlates with economic depression........
by Selwyn Duke
Victimless Crime
Let me spell it out the way I see it. An out-of control government is hell-bent on controlling you. We better wake up and wake up soon. Victimless crime is destroying America. Our jails are bulging with “criminals” whose only victims are them selves. Crime is big business in America. Freedom is not nearly as profitable to Caesar......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Let's have National Moratorium on all immigration
Immigration continues to wreak havoc on the United States of America. It’s killing our culture, our language and our way of life. Over 2.5 legal and illegal immigrants add themselves to our already overburdened schools, cities, hospitals and infrastructure—annually. No let up in sight! Let’s change America’s future toward a positive and sustainable society. We do not need another 70 million immigrants added to this country in the next 30 years. Let’s engage a “National Moratorium on all.....
by Frosty Wooldridge