Monday, August 31, 2009
china confidential
European Nation Threatened by Islamic Law
Bosnia’s Muslim spiritual leader, Reiss-ul-Ulema Mustafa Ceric, has drawn strong criticism from moderate Muslims and from Bosnian Serbs, after he called for Islamic Sharia law to be incorporated into the Bosnian constitution.
Ceric made the controversial suggestion when he conducted Bosnia's first Sharia mass wedding on Saturday in the central city of Zenica. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi reportedly paid for the weddings for the 20 couples and some 500 guests.
“In this exceptional place, in the exceptional city of Zenica, we are witnessing a magnificent event,” Ceric said. “I hope this is only the beginning and that we will have many such occasions in the years to come,” he added.
Ceric is no stranger to controversy, and his pronouncements often trigger a heated reaction.
In May, while visiting a Muslim community in Serbia’s Muslim-majority Sandzak region bordering Montenegro, Ceric said "no force could separate" Muslims in Serbia from those in Bosnia, which he has described as a homeland for Muslims.Hitlerian Hamas Condemns Holocaust Study
The Islamo-Nazi group running Gaza (which the Obama administration is bent on appeasing and aligning with) says the Holocaust never happened. Click here for the story.Oil Price Weakens on Worries About China
Uppsala Uprising: Firebombs and Beatings
Libya Celebrating Pan Am Bomber
Iran's Wannabe Hitler to Address UN
Islamist Iran's maniac-in-chief plans to address the United Nations on September 23. Clickhere for the story.
Question: Will Columbia University again give the fascist a forum?Is Japan's New Premier Anti-American?
Nearly Eight Years After 9/11, America's First Muslim-Born President (According to Islamic Law) is Allowing Islamist Iran Time to Acquire A-Bomb
Click here for a must-read opinion piece.
Across the Middle East, Muslims celebrate Barack Hussein Obama as America's first Muslim President. Any honest reporter who has recently returned from Jerusalem, or Damascus, or Cairo can confirm that.
In fact, they are more or less right. Obama is a Muslim according to Islamic religious law, which traces religion through the father. In addition to being born a Muslim, according to Islamic law, Obama also practiced and studied Islam in overwhelmingly Muslim Indonesia.
More important, his administration is allowing Islamist Iran to acquire atomic arms. Obama's capture of the White House gave the Islamo-Nazi regime time to achieve strategically important objectives in this regard--in cooperation with North Korea.Teenage Christian Convert's Life in Danger
NY Times Sympathetic to Barbaric Burqas
The so-called liberal Times--America's foremost anti-American newspaper--has published a particularly odious piece of pro-Islamist propaganda--an anti-French article sympathetic to barbaric burqas, headscarves, veils and related Muslim fanatic garb. Click here.UK GOV'T OKD FREEDOM FOR PAN AM BOMBER
Germany to Host Six-Nation Meeting on Iran
New Chinese Lead Poisoning Case
Reuters reports:More than 200 children living beside an industrial park in southwest China have been found to have excessive lead in their blood, state media said on Monday, in the third such case reported in the last month.
Health authorities tested around 1,000 children in a neighbourhood of the city of Kunming, the official China Daily said.
Continue here.Asian Shares Sink on China Plunge, Japan News
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Worries about China are depressing commodity prices. Click here for the story.
Muslims riot and firebomb in a Swedish city. Click here for the story.
One of the world's worst countries is flaunting the disgraceful release of a mass-murdering terrorist bomber, as reported here.
In spite of his impressive US post-graduate degrees, Japan's presumptive new premier is a left-wing critic of the United States. Click here for the story.
A 17-year-old Muslim convert to Christianity is temporarily safe in Florida. But her life could be in danger if she is forced to return to her out-of-state Islamist family. Click on the video below. China Confidential has learned that there are individuals in the Obama administration who are bent on returning the courageous Christian girl to the clutches of hatred and intolerance.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 8:44 PM links to this post
The news confirms critics' worst suspicions about the disgraceful deal. Click here for the story.
The meeting--at a "high civil servant level"--will take place in Germany this week. Clickhere for the report.
Japanese investors reacted cautiously Monday to the political upheaval and the surging yen, as Chinese stocks plunged. Read all about it here.
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Britannia Radio