Sunday, 6 September 2009

Our MSM should be tried for treason!
This should have made the news, immediately after he was appointed
from skipper

Busted Again... Van Jones Was On the Board at "War Times" For a Year & a Half ...Update: Jones "Bush Used Flag to Beat-Whip Iraq Dissenters"

Following the news this morning that Barack Obama's caommunist-Truther Green Czar was linked to the Truther movement back in 2002, Jake Tapper tweeted that he was told that Van Jones spent a very brief time with The War Times as their business department:

Jake Tapper wrote more
here on the latest denials by Van Jones.

The War Times is a poisonous anti-American, pro-jihadi hate-filled far left monthly paper that began publishing in January 2002. Van Jones was instrumental in the creation of this publication and sat on its board for at least the first year and a half of its existence.

Van Jones worked for
The War Times when it was first released in January 2002.

Van Jones continued to work in the business department at
The War Times in June 2002 (pdf) --six months into the project:

Click to Enlarge

Van Jones still worked at
The War Times in December 2002-January 2003 (pdf):

Click to Enlarge

Jones was still with the board in
June 2003 (pdf):

Click to Enlarge

Van Jones not only helped start up the Far Left anti-American publication, he sat on its board for at least a year and a half.

UPDATE: So then it's really no surprise that Jones said this about President Bush, "Bush Administration Used American Flag to ‘Beat’, ‘Whip’, ‘Lynch’ Iraq War Dissenters"
Here's the video:


This was from his "Prepare to Govern" speech on how the government "enshrined torture."

UPDATE 2: The Truthers who, along with Van Jones, said they were misrepresented by the Truther petitioners were found out to be Truthers after all.
Don't expect the state-run media to report this.


Sing It... Van Jones Cut Nasty Hate-Filled Music Album, Too! (Video) ...Update: Album Cover Found!

The CD starred Van Jones and cop killer Mumia abu-Jamal.

UPDATE: Kristinn found the album (CD) cover:

Jones used his
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights to found Freedom Fighter Music, the label WarTimes appeared on. WarTimes is also the name of an anti-war-on-al-Qaeda propaganda newspaper Jones helped organize. The album featured cop killer Mumia abu-Jamal.

* * * * *

Barack Obama's wacky communist-Truther Green Czar who hated Bush, whitey and capitalism also spent some time in the music studio. While he was director of the
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Van Jones cut a vile CD against whites, the government, Israel, The Man, oil companies, and everything else American.
Van Jones was even featured in the recording!

** Verum Serum discovered this and has much more on Van Jones the record producer:

Here are a few of the lines from hate-filled anti-white, anti-American, anti-Israeli recording by Van Jones and the
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights:

Various Singers-Poets: The American way, manufactuered by these white folks in office. By these rich men here to mock us. The United States is a stolen land led by right-wing, war hungry, oil thirsty. And when it's all said and done they still can't clean their own place because they got people of color playing servant to do that sh*t for them... The true terrorists are made in the US, in this police state... The US is a crack-fiend for oil. And they're ready to rape, kill, assault, rob anybody and everybody...

Bombing babies in the night. Two wrongs don't make a right... The US needs to exit its colonies in Iraq, in the region and finally in Israel.

Van Jones: At this point. The end of the occupation. The right of return of the Palestinian people. These are critical dividing lines in human rights. We have to be here. No American would put up with an Israeli-style occupation of their hometown for 53 days let alone 54 years. US tax dollars are funding violence against people of color inside the US borders and outside the US borders.
Van Jones sounds like fellow Jew-haters Bill Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, and Jeremiah Wright.
What a shock.

Is it really that surprising that Barack Obama put him
in charge of the Cap and Trade legislation?

More... A Saturday bonus-- Van Jones haikus.

UPDATE 2: Scott Johnson at Power Line sees Van Jones as Barack Obama's Andrew Young.

"Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it, have never known it again."

--- Ronald Reagan