The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is the name of several related Christian organizations founded through the influence of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand in such countries as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. These VOM missions raise awareness of the fact that hundreds of thousands are killed, tortured, imprisoned and harassed for being Christians each year. These organizations also provide practical assistance to persecuted Christians throughout the world. They are funded through donations and are not subsidized by government support. There is no world headquarters for The Voice of the Martyrs, as each organization is an independent, self-supporting entity.
This is the actual article and pictures, taken from the website - another similar article below and kindly sent by Alan, appears to have come from the Voice of the Martyrs blog: -Pakistan: Eight Believers Killed
In both attacks, Muslim leaders encouraged the violence, using mosque loudspeakers to call on the faithful to defend Islam. According to witnesses, the attackers used a fuel that is particularly difficult to extinguish to set the fires.
Government officials have condemned the attacks with unusual severity and have criticized security forces for their slow response. They said there is no truth to the allegations of blasphemy and promised to rebuild the homes destroyed and financially assist those who have lost family members in the violence. Recent reports estimate over 200 had been arrested for their involvement in the violence.
The Voice of the Martyrs is providing assistance to believers affected by these attacks. VOM actively supports persecuted believers in Pakistan by distributing Action Packs, Bibles, and the books Triumphant Church and He Lived Among Us. Pray for the families of deceased believers, those who lost their homes and the pastor and members of the church. Ask God to provide for and encourage them. Pray that false accusations by Muslims will draw believers closer to the Lord and for their faithfulness to draw non believers into faith with Christ.
Christians attacked in Pakistan; VOM staff providing help
Dear VOM Friends:
It was just a rumor. But among the radical Muslims in Pakistan's Gojra village, a rumor was enough of an excuse to kill.
When the rumor was broadcast from the loudspeakers on the minarets of local mosques, it became fact. As part of a wedding ceremony, the loudspeaker shouted, Christians tore pages from a Quran. Then they compounded the disrespect by walking on the shredded pages.
"Defend Islam!" The loudspeaker called. Muslims answered, rampaging through a Christian section of Gojra on Aug. 1. Eight Christians were killed, including women and children. More than 100 Christian homes were burned by a mob. The mob, which was estimated to be more than 20,000 people, also burned a church.
Five Hours Without Help
Emergency personnel did not reach Gojra for more than five hours. Christians were forced to use vegetable carts to move their dead and wounded to the hospital.
Responding to an international outcry, Pakistani government officials have now said no Quran was desecrated. The government promised to help rebuild the burned homes of Christian families.
Even before the government acted, contacts of The Voice of the Martyrs were in Gojra, offering comfort to the wounded and praying with the families of the dead. They continue to aid the village, including helping with some medical expenses, offering encouragement and pressing for a forceful government response.
Pray Blasphemy Laws Are Overturned
Christians in Pakistan hope these attacks can be a turning point. They are praying to God and pressing their government to overturn unjust blasphemy laws that are often a pretext to attack Christians.
They are also asking us to pray with them. Pray for Christians in Pakistan to be bold witnesses for Christ, despite threats. Pray for those wounded and left homeless by the brutal Gojra attacks. Pray for Muslims to come to know Jesus Christ in a personal way.
Send Help to Pakistan's Christians
For just $7 you can send an Action Pack to a Christian in Pakistan. If you would like to request and fill an Action Pack bag for Pakistan, you can do so by CLICKING HERE. We will deliver Action Packs to Gojra village in the coming months to help Christians rebuild their lives.
Please pray today for our Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan. For the latest news on persecution of Christians in Pakistan and other restricted nations, visit VOM's online newsroom.