The Tory leader’s aides insisted his policy has not changed, but Mr Cameron's language could antagonise eurosceptic Tories who want a popular vote on the document whether or not it has taken legal force. Mr Cameron spoke as Irish voters prepare for their referendum on the Treaty on Friday, with polls pointing to a Yes. Mr Cameron is in a political quandary over his pledge to hold a British vote on the treaty. It has now been ratified by 23 of the 27 EU states, including the UK. Ireland, Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic have not endorsed it yet, but are likely to do so before the British general election next year. In that case, a new Tory government would have to decide whether to hold a British referendum on a ratified treaty, something that other EU leaders say would effectively be an in-or-out choice on Britain’s entire EU membership. Mr Cameron has repeatedly refused to say what he will do if he comes to power with the treaty ratified, saying only that he will “not let matters rest.” In an LBC radio interview, the Tory leader said that if the treaty is ratified, “new circumstances” will apply, suggesting a new Tory policy will be needed. "If this treaty is still alive, if it is still being discussed and debated anywhere in Europe, then we will give you that referendum, we will name the date during the election campaign, we'll hold that referendum straight away and I will lead the campaign for a No," he said. "Now, if those circumstances change, if the Germans ratify, if the Poles ratify, if the Czechs ratify, if the Irish vote Yes to the treaty, then a new set of circumstances [apply], and I will address those at the time." He went on to signal that he would not consider a move that could lead to Britain leaving the EU. He said: "I want us to be in the European Union. We are a trading nation, we should be co-operating with our allies and friends in Europe over things like the environment and crime, of course we should." A spokeswoman for Mr Cameron insisted that he had not been signalling any change of plan. She said: "Our policy has not changed at all. We have said that if the treaty is ratified we will not let matters rest there, and that remains our policy."EU: David Cameron hints Tories would not hold referendum on ratified Lisbon Treaty
David Cameron has hinted that a Conservative Government would not hold a referendum on the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty if it is ratified by all EU members.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
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Britannia Radio