1. One Click Stats - 31 October 2009
We provide our readers with the top fifteen documents and articles read/downloaded by thousands of people from all over the globe during October 2009. Document uptake varies each month on One Click dependent upon which issues the pressure group is currently covering. Although only just very recently published, taking the internet by storm has been The Barbara Loe Fisher Interview, NVIC Conference - Style, Gonads & Brass Ovaries, that has created a knowledge tsunami of true informed consent flooding around the globe. Happy reading to all.
Information Release, The One Click Group
2. UK 'Vaccines Basil' Bombs Out On MumsNet Live Webchat, Friday - Try Monday!
Professor David Salisbury, the vaccine industry's
very own 'Basil Fawlty'
Tagged by the media as the 'Basil Fawlty' of the vaccines industry because of his appalling conduct, UK government vaccines director Professor David Salisbury never made it to the promised Live Webchat hosted by the MumsNet group last Friday. Just as Vaccines Basil was about to go live, his computer and the servers at the UK Department of Health all crashed in grand style. You couldn't make it up if you tried. Perhaps this rescheduling is a good thing. When One Click alerted its readers to the Vaccines Basil live Webchat for Friday, MumsNet closed its membership list and announced it would only be reopened at 2.30 pm on Friday after Salisbury's offering was supposed to have concluded. This effectively prevented parents from joining MumsNet and posing their questions to Vaccines Basil live in person last week. One can but speculate as to whether Salisbury's PR company issued this rank censorship edict or whether MumsNet itself refused new members to protect Vaccine Bas il's already severely damaged reputation. Try MumsNet again and give Vaccines Basil the heaps he so richly deserves at the Live Webchat on Monday, 2 November at 1.00 pm UK time. Vaccines Basil will now be online Monday unless his plug gets pulled by a higher authority. Again. Enjoy!
Information Release, The One Click Group
Related Links:
* UK Government Vaccines Director Threatens Legal Action Against One Click
The One Click Group
* Ooops! Never Mind Me, I'm Basil Fawlty!
Dr David Salisbury, UK Government Vaccines Director
The One Click Group
* The British Medical Journal, Vaccines Propaganda
Professor David Salisbury And Trimedia Public Relations
The One Click Group
3. Switzerland Refuses GSK's Pandemrix Swine Flu Vaccine For Pregnant Women, Children And Elderly
Swissmedic, the authority in Switzerland that gives permission for the use of drugs, today announced that the "swine flu" vaccine Pandemrix will not be allowed to be injected into pregnant women, children or young adults (below 18 years of age) or elderly (above 60 years of age). Unfortunately, the people of Switzerland will still be injected with the deadly adjuvant squalene and the mercury thiomersal through another "swine flu" vaccine, namely the poisonous Focetria. Swissmedic is attempting to navigate through the massive criticism that has been voiced in Switzerland against the mass vaccination, and the orders from WHO, by taking the worst vaccines away from the equation. The Swiss population will have to take action now to avoid the worst medical catastrophe in the history of the nation.
Editorial, The Flu Case
Related Links:
* French Take Legal Action Against Swine Flu Vaccines Campaign
Michael Cosgrove, Flesh & Stone
* GSK’s Pandemrix Swine Flu Vaccine - Pandora's Box Release
Lara, Health Advocate
* Pregnant Women In Britain Given Untested Pandemrix Swine Flu Vaccine
Thomas Moore, Sky News
* Experts Warn - Serious Adverse Events From Untested Swine Flu Vaccines
Bhakdi S, Lackner K, Doerr HW, Med Microbiol Immunol. 2009 Oct 23, DOI 10.1007/s00430-009-0130-9
* Fourth Person Dies In Sweden From Swine Flu Shot
Editorial, The Flu Case
* Child Vaccines Overload - Swine Flu Shot Untested
Beezy Marsh, Daily Mail
4. Announcing: North Carolina’s Pandemic Response Project (NC PReP)
Alan Phillips, Attorney
Did you know that states can mandate vaccines in a declared emergency without exemptions? Did you know that if Governor Perdue declares an H1N1 emergency here in NC and requires swine flu shots, you can be quarantined in a government facility against your will if you refuse to be vaccinated? Did you know you can spend two years in jail if you violate a swine flu isolation order in NC? On Tuesday, October 27th, Chapel Hill Attorney Alan Phillips launched the NC PReP with a letter to state leaders demanding policy and law changes to protect citizen rights in NC concerning emergency vaccines and quarantines. Read the letter to NC Governor Perdue and other state leaders, then write your own.
Alan Phillips, J.D., Attorney and Counselor at Law
5. British Government Set To Starve Disabled
Anna Wood, who has severe ME and is
dependent on help from her home carer,
was initially deemed ineligible for the new
form of incapacity benefit
The new medical tests aimed at getting claimants off benefits and into work are target-driven measures that penalise genuinely ill people. This tough medical test, called the work capability assessment (WCA), is at the heart of controversial changes to sickness benefit that were introduced last October when employment support allowance (ESA) replaced incapacity benefit (IB) for new claimants. Critics of the medical test, conducted by doctors and nurses supplied by ATOS Healthcare, a private company contracted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), say it is so stringent and heavy-handed that it raises the bar too high and fails to determine those who are genuinely ill. Mark Baker, chair of the Disability Benefits Consortium, an umbrella organisation representing more than 25 national disability groups, fears that the consequences will be dire. "I think the majority will end up at the feet of informal carers or local last-ditch charities," he s ays. "People will effectively drop out of society."
Melissa Viney, The Guardian
Related Links:
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express
* Chronic Infections In ME/CFS
Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS, August 2009
* Breakthrough Science For M.E. Millions After Decades Of Chronic Abuse And Neglect
Independent Leader & Steve Connor, Science Editor - The Independent
* The New Journalism - Challenging The Status Quo page 3, The Case Of Ean Proctor
Professor Simon Wessely in Witch Finder General action in the lives of ME/CFS labelled children
Jane Bryant, National Vaccine Information Center Conference Speech, United States of America