Thursday, 1 October 2009

Water Wars: Colossal Land Grab by the UN and the Feds

'The Federal government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states. Sustainable Development seems appealing and desirable on the surface, but it is actually a plot to erase humans entirely from 50% of American land, with a ban on extraction of resources, like water!

Dr. Michael Coffman, the creator of the Agenda 21 map, covertly obtained secret United Nations documents he used to compile the map which illustrates the resource acquisition goals of the Globalists at the UN. While Sustainable Development appears to be benign, its accompanying Global Biodiversity Assessment report states that only one billion people can be sustained in an industrial society!



Teenage Mothers to be Housed in Indoctrination Centres

'From now on all 16 and 17-year-old parents who get support from the taxpayer will be placed in a network of supervised homes.’ Groups of between ten and 100 teenage mothers will be housed in residential units with job clubs, creches and parenting classes. They will be made to sign behaviour contracts and if they break the rules they will be thrown out and sent to facilities with a tougher regime.'


Brown Loses His Cool: PM's Fightback Backfires as He Tries to Storm Out of TV Interview

'Gordon Brown' s political fightback was in tatters today after he lost his cool during a media blitz aimed at putting to bed doubts over his leadership. The Prime Minister became furious as he conducted a string of interviews, claiming he was not being allowed to talk about policy or give full answers to questions.

At one point, Mr Brown tried to walk off at the end of a fiery exchange with Sky's political editor Adam Boulton. But the move descended into farce because he was still linked up to a microphone and had not realised he was supposed to stay put for the next interview.'


The War Against Free Thought

'The war against our minds has many dark levels, all of which attempt to hide truth which is not sanctioned by the police state, replacing it with a new fabricated “official version” of events.  The state/corporate controlled media informs us of what we are to think, while multiple forms of coercion, bribery and intimidation are used to reinforce the government’s ideas and convince people to accept them as their own.'


German Interior Ministry Plans to Expand the Powers of the Secret Police

'The Interior Ministry, currently headed by Wolfgang Schäuble, plans to expand the authority of the German state to spy on its own citizens. The domestic secret service will be given far-reaching powers and the separation of the police and secret services will be largely abolished.'


The Swine Flu Conspiracy

CDC Drafts 'Isolation Order' for H1N1

'The following draft of an "isolation order" was discovered on the CDC's website. It is a template for state and local officials to impose quarantines and what would effectively be martial law. "Your illness [as determined by state and local officials] requires that you be isolated and requires further public health investigation and monitoring." Failure to obey will result in imprisonment without bail prior to trial and the possibility of a two year prison term.'


The Mask Slips, for Those with Eyes to See: Preparing for the Real Pandemic

by Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.

'Last week, many of the aboriginal people in the remote west coast village of Ahousaht were innoculated with the tamiflu vaccine. Today, over a hundred of them are sick, and the sickness is spreading. 

In the same week, body bags were sent to similarly remote native reserves in northern Manitoba that have also received the tamiflu vaccine.'


Comprehend VeriChip’s Swine Flu Chip

'The Reuters report below tells how on Monday VeriChip shares jumped 186% due to a patent on their swine flu pandemic detecting mini-microchip for the purpose of human implantation which is a massive upgrade to their current microchip already in thousands of people from children to the elderly. If your grasp of technological devices hangs from floppy disks to WiFi let Reuters inform you a little bit about VeriChip’s device (actually Reuters promotes the corporation’s stocks).'