Sunday, 1 November 2009

November 1, 2009

The Four Cardinal Errors That Almost Destroyed America, Part 4
Classical Marxism viewed the bourgeoisie and the proletariat as on a collision course that would end in violent revolution that would end capitalism and instill socialism. Once socialism had eradicated the last vestiges of capitalist domination it would evolve into communism. By the 1880s—at the end of Marx’s life—it was dawning on observers including Marx himself that violence was no more necessary than it was desirable. They could work toward the kind of society they wanted through penetration and permeation. Penetration involved infiltrating existing institutions by members of the Fabian.........
by Professor Steven Yates

‘Tis the Season for Twilight Obsession
Recent shopping trips underscore the inevitable—namely, “the holiday season” is upon us. Everywhere I turn, I’m greeted with a hodge-podge of images depicting spiders, witches, vampires, turkeys, Santa Clauses, elves, and affable reindeer. You name it. For many, such displays spark “spirit.” What’s not to enjoy about Christmas and Thanksgiving themes that are conciliatory, family-honoring, and laden with goodwill toward men? Now, contrast thankfulness and.......
by Deborah Rae

The Republic is Dead; We Are Ready to Fight, Now What?
There is no one left to turn to for relief from an onslaught that would have been a declared war had it come from another country. We as a nation of citizens, have been brutalized so badly by criminals inside the government, that we could have easily justified the use of deadly force to beat back the pillaging of our homes and communities. And diabolically, this has been done by the very people who were allowed a seat of power over us by our own vote......
by Former Kansas State Trooper, Greg Evensen, Ret.