Friday, 20 November 2009



The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

Simoncini is a specialist in oncology (the treatment of tumors), diabetes and metabolic disorders, but he is more than that. Simoncini is a real doctor who seeks to uncover the truth for the benefit of his patients and refuses to parrot the official version of what doctors should do and think. 

He challenges the dogma of ‘intellectual conformity’ with all its unproven assumptions, lies, manipulation and falsehoods and he has been extremely critical of the medical establishment as it continues to pursue ‘treatments’ that are useless in curing the global epidemic of cancer. From the time he entered medicine he realised that something was seriously wrong with the way cancer was treated:

‘I see terrible sufferings. I was in a paediatric oncological ward – all the children died. I was suffering when I was looking at the poor, poor children dying with chemo, with radiation.’

His frustration and sorrow at what he was seeing led him to go in search of new ways to understand, and therefore treat, this devastating disease. He began his journey with an open mind and a blank sheet of paper, unsullied by any rigid assumptions pedalled and indoctrinated by mainstream ‘medicine’ and ‘science’. 

What he discovered and the success he has had in curing the 'incurable' is a remarkable story and it could save your life.
Together we can, yes, but not if the drug companies are involved. Fantastic amounts of money are raised through charities every year to fund the search for a ‘cure’ that the establishment has no intention of finding.

Video interviews with Dr. Tullio Simoncini

video-simoncini-1On this recording you will see Dr. Simoncini at a conference in Italy May 2007
By clicking the image a new window will open 
(original video:

 cancer fungus-1 cancer fungus-1 cancer fungus-1 cancer fungus-1 cancer fungus-1 cancer fungus-1 cancer fungus-1 ???? cancer fungus-1 Other languages: please see

kanker schimmel-1 Ook te bekijken met Nederlandse ondertiteling



video-simoncini-2On these recordings you will see Dr. Simoncini at a conference in the USA juli 2007
By clicking the image a new window will open




video-simoncini-2On this recording you will see Dr. Simoncini at the 36th Annual Cancer Convention in Los Angeles 2008

cancer fungus-1 Also available with Portugese subtitles

cancer fungus-1 Also available with Italian subtitles




Dr. Simoncini at Doug Kaufmann's -KnowTheCause- TVShow (external link)



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