Saturday, 19 December 2009


>> FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2009

Anyone catch the BBC lead item on Today this morning at 8.10am? In a marvellous example of what the BBC sees as balance, we had Roger Harribin and Lord Stern discussing the chances of a "positive outcome" for those "developing nations." The very idea that these third world kleptocracies are out to get as much of our financial resources as possible is never discussed. The images of Chavez and Mugabe thundering attack and atta

  • Web
  • All Seeing Eye
  • Biased-BBC Forum
  • Natalie Solent
  • Talking Hoarsek on the free market economy is quietly ditched and replaced with pics of those oh-so-cuddly Polar bears. The BBC narrative is all about whether or not this collective of socialists and eco-loons can "do the deal" and so irreparably damage our future. But hey, you can trust the BBC to provide all shades of opinion on this one, can't you?

    Sorry to see Sir Terry Wogan broadcast his final early morning show. I think he was one of the few stars left in the BBC crown and when Chris Evans take his place in January I shall not be listening. Sir Terry's genial charm, lack of vulgarity and common decency will be missed by many people and he leaves the BBC looking a poorer place.