Saturday, 19 December 2009

Obama and Kerry slowing sanctions legislation push

As the Obama administration aims to slow down the prospect of unilateral sanctions on Iran while it attempts to mass international support for multilateral measures, a spokesman for John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says that "We're working with the administration to reach a solution that achieves the minimum all parties" want. Read more »

'Inglourious Basterds' at JTS

The producer of Quentin Tarantino's 'Inglourious Basterds' came to the Jewish Theological Seminary to screen the film and talk with the chancellor of JTA, a professor and a rabbi. Ami Eden weighs in.

U.S. and Israel: Comrades in arms (Forward)

U.S.-Israeli security relations have been flourishing, despite the public tensions over settlements, a report says.

Home Hebrew schooling (New York Jewish Week)

Julie Wiener reports on a possible upswing in families opting for private tutors instead of synagogue-based Hebrew schools.


The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign was stolen from the memorial at the Auschwitz death camp.
An Israeli American who did linguistic work for the FBI on contract pleaded guilty to leaking five secret documents to a blogger.
The head of an organization that oversees conversions to Judaism has resigned amid accusations of sexual improprieties.
Spain said it will make Palestinian statehood a priority during its presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2010.
A Las Vegas school district is disciplining a teacher who allegedly denied the Holocaust in the classroom but has not suspended her.
Philadelphia high school students were disciplined after they allegedly taunted an opposing basketball team with Holocaust slurs.
A British court jailed an Albanian Muslim for seven years after weapons and Hezbollah manuals were found in his home.
Turkey's president accepted an invitation from his Israeli counterpart to visit.
A French government authority warned a satellite broadcaster that carrying the Hamas TV channel violates French law.
A Sydney-based, student-run Web site banned a group of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel commenters.