A visibly frustrated President Barack Obama was forced to address climate skepticism during his ill-tempered tantrum today in Copenhagen, desperately claiming that man-made climate change was "not fiction," a view not shared by the majority of Americans he has failed to represent as he attempts to ram through a huge transfer of wealth to the new world order.
Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax
The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
• Copenhagen climate summit: ‘most important paper in the world’ is a glorified UN press release
• Copehagen circus ending with a lame act
• Stat Model Predicts Flat Temperatures Through 2050
• Is the European police state going global?
• Scientists Considered Pouring Soot Over the Arctic in the 1970s to Help Melt the Ice – In Order to Prevent Another Ice Age
• EverGreens: After Failure, Warmists Will Change Hats And Move On
• Flag-Waving Communists & Socialists March in Copenhagen to Stop Global Warming
• Climate plan a $3,000 con
• Anti-climactic irony – Copenhagen Climate Conference finale hit with snow and cold
• How to Manufacture a Climate Consensus
Execution Of ‘Morality Criminals’ Now Up For Debate At The BBC
Darryl Mason
Friday, Dec 18th, 2009
Call me paranoid, but this most curious online commentbait by the BBC would be a great way for data-mining police and intelligence agencies, ‘hacking’ BBC online, to get hold of the ISPs of those who do think in the affirmative, and passionately so :
Look at the number of rejected comments compared to the total number :
You can imagine the pure hatred, and agreements with violence against gay people, in some of those rejected comments. Or most of them.
Almost half of everything submitted by readers was deemed completely unpublishable, on a story that asks such an absolutely demented question in the guise of “public debate”. Anyone working in a digital newsroom would well know a ‘Should Homosexuals Face Execution?’ debate would bring the “Yes! Kill The Faggots!” crowd out in droves.
Purposeful provocation?
Here’s how the BBC explains itself :
Yes, we accept it is a stark and disturbing question. But this is the reality behind an Anti-Homosexuality Bill being debated on Friday by the Ugandan parliament which would see some homosexual offences punishable by death.
Has Uganda gone too far? Should there be any level of legislation against homosexuality? Should homosexuals be protected by legislation as they are in South Africa? What would be the consequences of this bill to you? How will homosexual ‘offences’ be monitored? Send us your views.
The BBC’s official excuse for this, after the inevitable explosion of outrage, will be something like the question and debate was aimed at Ugandans, or Africans, reading BBC News online.
It’s a bullshit explanation. Unless a site is restricted to only individuals of one country (pretty well impossible anyway) the BBC knows everything it publishes can be read just about anywhere in the world.
Most of the published comments come from readers in the UK, as expected, so presumably many of the rejeted comments, containing violent opinion or abuse too berzerk to publish, also came from UK readers.
It seems a far more sinister exercise than simply ‘opening up a debate’.
UPDATE : Ninemsn has more, and covers response from the BBC. Which was as predicted.
Could the next black/green/dark gray swan be so obvious that it has avoided everyone?