Sunday, January 31, 2010
US Using Taiwan to 'Push Back' at China
Washington's arms deal with Taipei is an attempt to "push back" against a "muscular" China, as reported here.
China Confidential analysts expect Beijing to push back--by backing Iran even more than China has to date.
Ironically, the Obama administration started with a soft approach to China. Like everything the administration has done in terms of national security and defense, the policy has boomeranged. China sees Barack Obama as a weakling and an amateur; its take on the U.S. President recalls the Soviet perception of JFK, which led to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis--a near-catastrophe.
Understand, as Obama likes to say, that China is capable of attacking Taiwan in accord with a reunification law that actually mandates use of force to regain control over the island, which China regards as a "renegade" province. Not for nothing has China amassed an ever-growing arsenal of ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan.
China is also capable of using its nuclear-armed vassal, North Korea, to create problems for the United States.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 10:35