Thursday, 1 April 2010


Madness and Tyranny


Put this on your site. It's bloody outrageous. Talk about a police

Nigel's on Have I Got News For You at 9.30 tonight and Any Questions


Subject: Madness and Tyra

Dear God What A Mess!


1st April 2010

April Fool's Day dawns.......

A woman arrested, fined, given suspended prison sentence, tagged with 
the warning that she would have been sent to prison and so confined to 
her house from 7pm to 7am. The man that brought this prosecution and 
sentence stated, 'Let this be a lesson to all such thugs and criminals 
that abuse pets! We will not tolerate any such behaviour!' The old lady 
concerned will also lose her licence to sell pets and so her business 
of 28 years will go too. The Council are already taking steps to close 
her down. The words I report above spoken by the Council official 
concerned are the actual words spoken not the watered down ones printed 
in the newspapers. Her disgusting crime? Rape? Paedophilia? Armed 
robbery? Drug abuse and supply?- No she sold a gold fish to a very tall 
girl under the age allowed to sell pets to. The whole affair was an 
organised 'Sting' operation to catch the poor woman out. In another 
event, a 'sting op' too in Scotland, a number of homosexuals 
deliberately behaved in a manner, intentionally designed to outrage 
public decency, that still remains an imprisonable offence at Common 
Law by kissing in public and fondling each other in a lewd manner at a 
speech given by an American travelling preacher.

One of these men apparently shouted, 'What do you think of this?' as 
these filthy antics were going on in full public display and the 
preacher like an idiot told them it would send them to Hell. Two police 
officers then arrested the preacher soon afterwards. He was fined a 
thousand pounds and will probably not be allowed back into Britain from 
what I have been told. The Police officers too appear to have been 
laying in wait for the 'gays' to behave as they did- in other words- it 
was another 'setup'- to catch 'homophobes'. This type of behaviour, is 
so clearly designed to root out dissent and send a message of fear to 
the rest of us. Under English Common Law, it amounts to 'entrapment' 
and even 'procurement for immoral purposes' and the officers and 'gays' 
could well at some future date find themselves charged with 'collusion 
and public conspiracy to pervert justice' and 'public indecency'.

No political agenda in the world can justify such behaviour. The 
miscreants will be facing several years behind bars and the constables 
for 'abuse of public office', that carries a heavy sentence in fact in 
normal circumstances but we all now know that we do not live in 'normal 
times'. We are now not only expected to be tolerant of such offensive 
behaviour, deny our quite natural feelings of disgust but openly show 
our approval of it and the Police behaving like The Inquisition seeking 
out heretics and law breakers, by creating events to criminalise 
people, where otherwise no offence would have been committed. As people 
know I was once a lawyer myself.

The legal definition of entrapment is a situation where officers of the 
state deliberately create a context to literally make a crime happen, 
usually where one does not or would not exist otherwise. Entrapment is 
actually not a recognised defence in modern English Law and officials 
deliberately creating situations have always been given short shrift by 
judges, on the basis that it amounts to bad law and is unjust, even an 
offence against natural laws of liberty enshrined in Magna Carta, or to 
quote a Law Lord, 'An officer of the Crown's duty is not to create 
crime but to detect and prevent it's commission'. The situation 
criticised as 'entrapment' actually falls at Common Law under the 
umbrella of Conspiracy to pervert the course of Justice'. The Statute 
covering this is the 1977 Criminal Law Act- Subject to the following 
provisions of this Part of this Act, if a person agrees with any other 
person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if 
the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, 
(a) will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence 
or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement, or
(b)would do so but for the existence of facts which render the 
commission of the offence or any of the offences impossible,he is 
guilty of conspiracy to commit the offence or offences in question.

As the 'gays' themselves colluded to 'outrage public decency', and 
arranged for the police to be present, this amounts to 'Conspiracy'. 
Outraging public decency is actually a Common Law offence....

Outraging public decency
This is a common law offence; offences committed after 20 January 2004 
are triable either way by virtue of Section 320 Criminal Justice Act 
2003 (brought into force by SI 2004/81 (C.2)).Offences Committed before 
that date are indictable only offences.
There is no statutory definition of the offence of outraging public 
decency it being a common law offence, but the definition of the 
offence adopted by the then Lord Chief Justice in the case of May 
(1990) 91 Cr.App.R. 157, the definition appearing at page 159, is this:
"So there must have been proved to have been an act of such a lewd, 
obscene or disgusting nature as to amount to an outrage on public 
decency. It is not necessary to prove that the act in fact disgusted 
those in whose purview it was committed. It is sufficient if it is 
calculated so to do. So far as the public nature of the offence is 
concerned, it must be proved that more than one person must at least 
have been able to see the act. If one person is proved to have seen the 
act and others might have seen it taking place, that is enough."
There is also an offence of conspiracy to outrage public decency
In S and G v United Kingdom (2 September 1991), application No 17634/91 
the Commission considered the common law offence of outraging public 
decency committed by an artist and art gallery curator who had 
exhibited a model with freeze dried human foetuses as earrings. The 
Commission, while recognising that freedom of artistic expression fell 
within the ambit of Article 10, declared the application inadmissible 
as being manifestly ill founded. It found that the offence of outraging 
public decency: (a) was prescribed by law, and (b) pursued the 
legitimate aim of protection of morals and (c) was not disproportionate 
and could be regarded as necessary in a democratic society.
Section 320 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003: Offence of outraging 
public decency triable either way
Section 320 makes the offence of outraging public decency triable 
summarily in a magistrates' court as well as on indictment. The maximum 
penalties on summary conviction for this offence are to be those 
provided for by section 32(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980. 
These are currently six months' imprisonment or a fine of £5000 or 
Of course the 'gays' were not arrested but encouraged to do as they did 
in order to 'entrap' the preacher. This is political and ideological 
policing, not impartial law application in order to ensure the Queen's 
Peace. Now let's examine 'Abuse of public Office'....
The elements of misconduct in public office are:
a) A public officer acting as such.
b) Wilfully neglects to perform his duty and/or wilfully misconducts 
c) To such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the public's trust in 
the office holder.
d) Without reasonable excuse or justification.
Who is a Public Officer?
'' So who holds a public office and as a result can be guilty of this 
offence? According to the Court of Appeal, which quoted from the 
earlier authorities, it requires that the defendant "must be a public 
officer acting as such .... There must be a breach of duty by the 
officer, [which is wilful and which is such that the conduct is] an 
affront to the standing of the public office held. The threshold is a 
high one requiring conduct so far below acceptable standards as to 
amount to an abuse of the public's trust in the office holder" (Para 
56). And later, quoting from the case of Bembridge [(1783) 3 Doug KB 
32], "those who hold public office carry out their duties for the 
benefit of the public as a whole and, if they abuse their office, there 
is a breach of the public's trust.''

It is about time the people of this land made a stand. We are not 
slipping into a Police State, we are in one! We are being 
systematically abused, lied too, robbed and defrauded by an entire 
Political Class and its compliant Police enforcers. Yet we do nothing!

We also have an autocrat who as the papers have reported at last, is 
planning to subvert our ancient Constitution by remaining in power in 
the event of a 'Hung Parliament'. People abused me when I revealed that 
I had 'insider knowledge' that Brown was planning on either avoiding an 
election or remaining as PM even if he lost on some pretext of a crisis 
deliberately created by him and his minions. Perhaps people will listen 
to me in future. We 'academics' are a bit like Heineken beer. We are 
able to 'reach those parts that other beers cannot reach!' to quote an 
old advert. I have an entire 'Intelligence' system and it is normally 
very reliable. If there is not a 'hung Parliament', Brown's Fellow 
Travellers intend to bring the country to a standstill through the 
Unions, so he can call ' A State of Emergency' under the Civil 
Contingencies Act 2006. When I questioned my informant about the risk 
of a public anger pushed too far, his words said it all....'The English 
herd will do least that is what the spin doctors say... The 
'Proles' will simply swallow what we tell them! As long as they have 
their reality TV, David Beckham and 'Corrie', their cheap booze, they 
will remain supine and do as they are told. We can always send the 
boot-boys in anyway!'

We are in short run from top to bottom by crooks, racketeers, mobsters 
and ideological cranks and perverts who will stop at nothing from now, 
as they know full well they have free rein to do as they wish immune to 
The Rule of Law. Only their entire overthrow and replacement by a 
completely new system or retrenchment of the old, will suffice. For 
these nasty, corrupt, evil persons are guilty of Treason, sexual 
perversion and abuse, let alone the huge fraud propagated by so called 
'Global Warming' scam, in the coldest winter for thirty years. Now they 
are so desperate, they are making it illegal to question 'Global 
warming'. Then we have a situation like the above, where we must not 
only be tolerant of filth and lewdness but applaud it! In other words, 
we are all guilty of not being queer ourselves......

Today the temperature outside my house is -2 degrees centigrade. My car 
is covered in frost and the doors frozen shut. According to these laws 
I must walk out in my swim wear and sunglasses, declare in front of the 
local council officer, 'Oh isn't it hot!?', then light my barbecue up 
and freeze to death on my patio while doing my damndest to show off my 
ageing torso to the local 'gay rights' enforcement jobsworth, that I am 
actively not only ignoring my own 'unnatural' heterosexuality but 
openly trying to express my 'feminine side' to my queer next door 
neighbour, while I get my wife to stand by me in a Moslem 'burka', so 
my newly converted son beats her to death for breaking Sharia Law, by 
not following me at least five feet behind as I leap over the fence to 
seek consensual sex with my gay neighbour in full approving public 
view. Oh dear I forgot to amputate my hand and leg, because I stole the 
ketchup, from my own fridge and devoured a forbidden food, ate a fatty 
English breakfast and now the local Animal welfare police are after me 
to because my wife stuffed a goldfish down my trunks!

Like I said, 'What a bloody awful mess!' Yet we do sod all about it 
except sending endless e.mails like this. So who is going to call me 
'overemotional and a conspiracy theorist' now then eh? You? people get 
the government they deserve. And when good men do nothing Evil thrives- 
Well I have tried to do something ......


and thnksxxxxxxxxxx ap


I am the youth, under age of course,
That was used by a man of power,
I was sent to trap some one,
A deed I may regret ever more.

I was too young to be used this way,
For I don’t know ‘right’ from ‘wrong’,
I did what I was asked to do,
Without much of a dance and song.

I am the one that sold that fish,
To a youth that seemed keen to buy,
An action I will live to regret,
For the rest of my days, till I die.

I am the fish that is protected by,
Those ‘uman rights YOU obey,
For I am free to swim around,
In a little round bowl all day.

I am such a little fish,
And I have more RIGHTS than you,
I have no laws I have to obey,
I can even put folk in prison too.

For I am now a ‘celebrity
In most “Daily’s” my fishy tale is told,
Yet you kill and eat other fish,
I’m now more precious than Gold.

But has our once great Justice system,
Once the envy throughout the world,
Paid the highest price of all,
As this tale is gradually unfurled?

Why did a tale about a Gold Fish,
Make us hang our heads in SHAME,
For it is those that passed these laws,
That should really take the blame.