By David Isaac, in the Shmuel Katz Blog Recently declassified White House transcripts (featured in an editorial in the Israeli daily Haaretz) show former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger blaming Israel for the problems in the region, accusing Israel of being “deliberately provocative” and attempting “to create maximum commotion in the Middle East.” In the newly released documents Kissinger refers to the Golan Heights as “Syrian territory” and the Syrians as “my friends.” He confides to an Algerian diplomat that “a (new Arab-Israeli) war wouldn’t be so bad for us. … We could show (Israel) we are tough.” Us? This strongly suggests Kissinger identified with the Arab side in the Arab-Israel conflict. Washington Jewish Week UPDATED with response from J Street at bottom. The controversial new pro-Israel outfit, Emergency Committee for Israel “is playing with fire,” says David Harris, president and CEO of the National Jewish Democratic Council, which recently released a “fact sheet” aimed at exposing what it says are ECI’s “dangerous” smear tactics. ECI – founded earlier this month by neoconservatives and evangelical Christians – has been warring with J Street over the Pennsylvania Senate race, and both groups have sought to gain the upper hand by placing Israel front and center. “They’re using Israel solely as a partisan wedge issue and they’re employing tactics that have... Laura: Liberals are the new nazis and are abetting the muslim murder of Jews. If the muslims are able to carry out their desire for a genocide of the Jews, it will be western liberals who would be guilty of paving the way. As to the liberals contention that Stone isn’t an anti-Semite, these are people who scream accusations of “racism”, “islamophobia”, “homophobia” at the slightest criticism of their favored “victimized” groups. And as to Hollywood’s defense of Stone, these are people who rallied around the child rapist Roman Polanski, so why would they have a problem with a rabid anti-Semite? By CAROLINE B. GLICK, JPost “Oliver stone joins Thomas, Gibson in ranks of out-of-closet Jew-haters.” “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within” – W. Durant Confronting Jew Hatred on Daily Kos: Are They Nazis? Well, no. Of course, they are not Nazis. That is, they are not members of the National Socialist German Workers Party (that’s not quite possible, now is it?) nor are they modern day Neo-Nazi white supremacists. They are, for the most part, leftists who claim to hate war, favor environmental regulation, women’s rights, gay rights, and the entire hodge-podge of issues, including an anti-racist agenda, that makes up what we call the “progressive movement.” And, yet, on the foremost website devoted to electing Democrats, with over 250,000 registered users, they allow a malicious and vocal minority to drive the Israel-Palestine discussion in such a way as to create hatred, and thus violence, toward Jews. As if that’s not bad enough in itself, they also do... Compliments of Anglo Raannana Real Estate Quote for the Week “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” (Albert Einstein 1879-1955. ) · There aren’t that many ladies around who have had heart transplants, still fewer have had transplants and then had babies and even fewer, five worldwide to be exact, have had twins. Well, we have a proud new mother and her two daughters, one weighing in at 1.5 and the other at 2 kilos [3.3 and 4.4lbs respectively] right here in Israel and mother and babies are doing well. Of the four previous instances two were in the US, one was in France and another in Italy. The major problem facing the doctors is determining the balance of immune-suppressant drugs taken by the mother – enough to protect her heart from rejection but not enough to harm the babies. The doctors did what they had to, the... New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote in an oft-quoted line that: “Criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic, and saying so is vile. But singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction–out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle Eas –is anti-Semitic, and not saying so is dishonest.” The simple solution for peace in the Middle East may be for Israel to change its name to Norway. Yamit The Obsession With Israel Click here to view the embedded video. Click here to view the embedded video. Overtly Skewed Media Coverage Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that causes repeated unwanted and intrusive thoughts. An OCD sufferer will engage in repetitive behaviors (compulsions) aimed at reducing anxiety caused by these thoughts (obsessions). OCD is a chronic or long-term illness that can... Laura: The democrats are increasingly being exposed as the party of hate. They are becoming more comfortable expressing overt anti-Semitism since this appeals to their base of radical leftists, racial minorities and the increasing influence of muslims in the party. They do this with the confidence that they will still receive the Jewish vote. Will the American Jewish community finally acquire enough self-respect to turn their backs on the democratic party which has betrayed them and become home to anti-Semites and other assorted freaks; America-haters, jihadis and communists? Atlas Shrugs: McMahon Campaign Hits Grimm For Taking “Jewish Money” The Observer hat tip Atlas readers Mike Grimm, a G.O.P challenger for Mike McMahon’s Congressional seat, took in over $200,000 in his last filing. But in an effort to show that Grimm lacks support among voters in the district, which covers Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn, the McMahon campaign...
Kissinger’s Guilt
While these documents do not cover the period of the 1973 war (they cover the end of the Nixon administration and eighteen months of the subsequent Ford administration), they bear out Shmuel Katz’s devastating assessment of Kissinger’s role during the...NJDC sides/sided with J Street over ECI
SECOND UPDATE: NJDC’s David Harris calls me back to rescind his words about J Street’s bipartisan nature. See bottom of post.
However, ECI, says Harris, has gone too far in its attacks on Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak.
Out of the Closet Jew-Haters
It’s springtime for Jew-haters. This week Oscar winning conspiracy theorist Oliver Stone joined Helen Thomas and Mel Gibson in the swelling ranks of out-of-the-closet...The Left is Fascist….and as antisemetic as any Muslim.
by Michael LumisGood News, Israel
Gaza vs. Congo: A Tale of Media Double StandardsArabs prefer to live in Israel
Jew-Baiting From Democrats
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Sunday, 1 August 2010
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Britannia Radio