Monday, 1 November 2010

November 1, 2010

The Illuminati, Part 2
“Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflicts: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposite, you dominate the nature of the outcome.” Remember here that the PE and Skull & Bones member William Whitney in the late 19th century devised a political strategy of giving large sums of money to both major political parties, and then alternating power so the public thinks it has a choice when both major political parties’ candidates actually are controlled by........
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.,D


The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
In proof of the continuing power of democracy, tomorrow, November 2, the nation will express its disdain for the big government policies of President Barack Obama. The House of Representatives will change hands, becoming a Republican center of opposition to the President, and the Senate will either become ineffectual for the Democrats or will also change hands. Americans must be ever vigilant and go to the polls to bring.......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

November Surprises in High Style
This is a world that like a different kind of terror stretches from the offices of giant PR firms in Dubai to London, Ecuador, Morocco (and fulfilled fantasies out of the Arabian Nights). It’s not government “welfare” when a private, well-heeled client pays a fortune to employ “hundreds of costumed musicians, dancers and guests” along with hordes of “locals who acted as extras” to create a “romantic Moroccan fantasia.” Perhaps the entire article is mind-candy meant to induce.....
by Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.,D

Stewart Fails to Deliver Sanity
This was a last-ditch effort just before the election to rally the base for Obama, without saying so in explicit terms. Even Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, a close friend of Obama, had endorsed the event, perceiving that it was in fact a counter to the Beck and Tea Party rallies that had truly rocked Washington, D.C. with their astounding numbers of participants. For Ayers, who still believes in......
by Cliff Kincaid

What are we Doing to Ourselves and Our Fellow Creatures?
If anything, we may call Global Warming something like Climate Change or, better yet, Climate Destabilization. When you wreck the supporting mechanisms of any system, you ultimately destroy its ability to function. But let’s look at another system the human species degrades daily: water, land and air! What dastardly things do we do to our.....
by Frosty Wooldridge