The BBC’s Director-General, Mark Thompson, deserves credit for being the first to begin to grasp the problem of the Corporation’s heavy cultural and moral bias to the Left. As well as admitting that such bias was rampant in the Eighties, he has now said several things that go to the root of the matter. Here are two of them: ‘Avoiding party political bias is a subset and only a subset of impartiality. It’s possible for all major parties to agree on a given subject and for there still to be a legitimate opposing view which should be heard and scrutinised’, and: ‘People sometimes confuse impartiality with centrism, ie a bias towards more “moderate” world-views as opposed to more “radical” ones.’ This is strong, thoughtful stuff, not that he will be glad that I think so. But then, I’m biased.Finally, a glimmer of light at the biased BBC
Sunday, 26 December 2010
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Britannia Radio