Jewish authors I loved
By Ted Belman
I attended Highschool and universitiy in the fifties and law school in the sixties. It was during the sixties that survivors of the Holocaust started to tell their stories of survival. Prior to the Holocaust the Jewish immigrants in America were also telling their stories. I had a voracious appetite for both. The Jewish writers I read included Wiesel, Malamud (The Assistent), Meyer Levin (The Old Bunch, Compulsion, The Settlers), Henry Roth (Call it Sleep), Abraham Cahan (The Rise of David Levinsky), Jerzy Koschinsky, Chaim Potok, Phillip Roth, Joseph Roth, Bashevis Singer, Scholem Asch, Joseph Singer, Chaim Grade, Mordechai Richler, and Leon Uris. The list goes on and on.
I mention this to elicit memories from each of you who shared my passion for these authors.
Please share with us what authors and books you particularly enjoyed and why.
American Companies Continue to Sell Billions $ to Iran Despite Embargo
Intentional loopholes? Who said the “Business of America is Business”? I call it pure greed and moral bankruptcy. Yamit
Despite sanctions and trade embargoes, over the past decade the United States government has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars in business with Iran and other countries blacklisted as state sponsors of terrorism, an examination by The New York Times has found.
At the behest of a host of companies — from Kraft Food and Pepsi to some of the nation’s largest banks — a little-known office of the Treasury Department has granted nearly 10,000 licenses for deals involving countries that have been cast into economic purgatory, beyond the reach of American business.
Most of the licenses were approved under a decade-old law mandating that agricultural and medical humanitarian aid be exempted from sanctions. But the...
Al-Dura Hoax
Laura: The “palestinians” could never have gotten away with the Al-Dura hoax without the complicity of the French media along with other western media. That much of the world would astoundingly buy into the notion that this boy had received multiple bullets from Israeli soldiers without lying in a pool of blood and his body still intact, goes to show the level of Jew-hatred around the world. Although Philippe Karsenty has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the entire incident was staged, nevertheless Charles Enderlin sticks to his story and has even written a book and of course received an award for promoting this hideous blood libel against the Jews.
Israelis Think No Concession Will Ever Satisfy the West….They’re Right!
6 Reasons Why They’re Right: Here
A newly released WikiLeaks cable quotes Ron Dermer, a top adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling a U.S. diplomat of Israelis’ frustration with the peace process. Surprisingly, however, Dermer didn’t focus primarily on Palestinian behavior. Rather, he charged, “the Israeli public is skeptical regarding the benefits of returning to negotiations” because “all the GOI has received in return for its efforts was a ‘slap-down from the international community.’”
Dermer didn’t offer evidence to support his claim about Israeli frustration with the “international community,” but the data are shocking: according to the August Peace Index poll, fully 77 percent of Jewish Israelis think “it makes no difference what Israel does and how far it may go on the Palestinian issue; the world will continue to be...