The UK inflation genie is out of the bottle
As 2010 draws to a close, it's becoming ever clearer that the UK's economic
prognosis is not good.
I'm a natural optimist and don't wish to upset anyone's Boxing Day celebrations. Any commentator worth their salt, though, at times like this, should ignore such sensitivities. It would be wrong – reckless, in fact, given the slew of recent bad data – to fail to point to the worrying mix of economic issues the UK now faces.
During 2011, the British economy will suffer from rising inflation and sluggish (in some quarters, possibly negative) growth. This grim combination will be set against a budgetary situation that can only be described as ghastly.
George Osborne was recently in New York, soaking up plaudits for boldly leading Britain into fiscal austerity at a time when, apparently in contrast, America's feckless political elite has allowed the national debt to balloon. The problem is that UK austerity, so far at least, is a myth.
November's national accounts, released last week, were shocking. Government spending last month was sharply up on the same month in 2009 – yes, up! British state borrowing is still escalating, with the national debt rising very quickly.
Anyone who takes an intelligent interest in current affairs could be forgiven for inferring from the political rhetoric that the UK's fiscal squeeze is not only well under way but that the worst is actually behind us. If this was indeed your impression, you may want to pour yourself a large Yuletide sherry and possibly take refuge in another bowl of trifle. For the grim reality, as the latest figures show, is that Britain's fiscal squeeze hasn't even begun.
I'd hoped to end what has been a nerve-jangling year for the UK economy on an upbeat note. A couple of weeks ago, though, new figures showed that CPI inflation was 3.3pc higher in November than the same month the year before. Inflation has now been above the Bank of England's 2pc target for 40 of the past 49 months.
Some of us have been warning this would happen. Since late 2008, this column has asserted that the UK faces inflationary dangers and that talk of British "deflation" was deeply disingenuous, an intellectual conceit to justify massive virtual "money printing" and the extension of endless soft credits to banks that should, in fact, be allowed to fail.
Such a position has been seen as heresy – not least because "quantitative easing" has friends in high places. QE, for now, has helped politically connected bankers to dodge the implications of their own hubris and incompetence. It has allowed successive British governments to stick their fingers in their ears and avoid tackling root-and-branch banking reform.
To argue that QE is dangerous and that, as a corollary, the UK faces high inflation has been to be treated by the UK's policy-making elite as some kind of economic Herod. I might as well have been suggesting we slay the first born. In recent weeks, though, the mood has changed. Reality has thankfully broken through.
"Top economists" are now finally allowing themselves to state what is both historically and technically obvious, that money-printing is counter-productive. The same professional "trend-spotters" are now also concluding that high UK inflation isn't a "blip" or a "one-off". What took them so long?
As recently as February, the Bank was forecasting CPI inflation of 1.5pc by the end of 2010. That estimate has proved to be woefully wrong. But it was clear a long time ago that would be the case.
Every single month this year, inflation has been either on, or above, the "upper acceptable limit" of 3pc. Measured by the far more accurate RPI measure, inflation has spent several recent months at 5pc or more.
The November inflation number was driven by the high price of food and clothing. What's even more important than the specifics is that, with the Bank's monetary policy committee having down-played repeated inflation over-shoots, the UK's inflation-fighting credibility is now being widely questioned.
Survey evidence shows inflation expectations just surged to their highest level for more than two years, a sign that above-target price increases could become embedded in the minds of consumers.
People questioned during November expect CPI inflation of 3.9pc in 2011, sharply up on previous estimates. And that was before oil prices jumped another $8 a barrel this month – a rise that will soon feed through into motorists' petrol costs, hiking inflation concerns even more.
It is imperative such expectations don't spark the "second-round" effects that generate a "wage-price spiral" and a serious inflation problem. That's why serious people at the Bank are now saying serious things.
In mid-December, Charlie Bean, the highly respected Deputy Governor, admitted there is less "spare capacity" in the economy than previously assumed, meaning inflationary pressures are rising.
And in a bombshell interview with The Daily Telegraph last week, Paul Fisher, the Bank's executive director of markets, said base rates will soon rise from their current historic low of 0.5pc, eventually "normalising" close to 5pc.
So the UK now faces early rate rises, even though the economic recovery is far from secure. British households are shouldering £1,200bn of mortgage debt and two-thirds of borrowers are on variable rates. UK consumption, and growth in general, is extremely vulnerable to higher borrowing costs – and yet rate rises will surely happen sooner rather than later.
Perhaps that's why Fisher now also warns that the UK economy could face another slump during 2011. "It's not impossible we could see a quarter of negative growth," he said.
New figures show that GDP growth during the third quarter of this year was just 0.7pc – hardly a buoyant recovery. Industrial output rose by just 0.5pc, helping to explain why the current account deficit hit £9.6bn, almost double that of the second quarter, as imports rose. A weaker pound sparks inflation but should also boost UK exports. The trouble is that the latter isn't happening.
We could, then, see UK stagflation in 2011 – the dreaded combination of high inflation and a lack of economic growth.
Having said that, the more immediate danger is fiscal. During November, the Government borrowed an astonishing £23.3bn – the highest total for a single month since records began. While tax receipts were 3.1pc up on November 2009, government spending was no less than 10.9pc higher. And you thought we were in the middle of a fiscal squeeze!
These November figures are no one-off. UK borrowing this year has been higher than during 2009-10 in three of the past four months. With inflation stubbornly high, and policy-makers now being forced to admit the inflationary problem is real, concerns about price pressure could spread to the gilts market, making it more difficult for the UK to sell the swathes of non-indexed sterling instruments it uses to finance its burgeoning public sector debt.
Writing this brings me no pleasure, not least given that it's the festive season. Yet the MPC, caught between rising UK inflation on the one hand and a looming domestic slump on the other, faces some extremely serious dilemmas. That's before we consider a possible commodity price spike and – whisper it – eurozone "contagion".
My over-riding concern is that in recent years, the UK's policy debate has been almost surreal, failing to recognise the obvious, pretending major issues don't exist. This cannot be right. We need a government, and senior economic policy-makers, who are honest with UK citizens and tell us what is going on. That would be a worthwhile Christmas present to the British public – and would serve us well, into the New Year and beyond.