Thursday, 2 December 2010

Many Jewish intellectuals support Palin

By Ted Belman

Evidently there is a new poll out that advises that Sarah Palin is supported by the poor and uneducated rather than by the educated and well off. Since Jews are both of the latter, you might think that Jews don’t support her much.

In my own experience I am usually confronted with scorn and derision should I mention my support of Palin to Jews, but not all Jews.

Benjamin Korn the founder of American Jews4 Sarah in his article Sarah Palin Gaining in Support from ‘Educated Jews’ begs to differ.

    While it is certainly too early to assume that 1980 will repeat itself in 2012, there are signs of growing respect for Gov. Palin’s policies and positions – especially among some of the Jewish intellectuals whom Besser presumes now oppose her.

    Just two days after the Nov. 2nd elections, Palin authored a 1500-word manifesto, published in the pages of National Review, detailing her strategy to “renew, revive, and restore” America according to...

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More on the WikiLeaks Impact

Laura: Who would think that leaders of Arab countries would have more common sense about Iran than America’s own foreign policy establishment. WikiLeaks also reveals that these Arab leaders are less consumed with hatred of Israel than many pundits in the west. Unlike those pundits, they actually regard Iran as a greater threat to the region than Israel.

The WikiLeaks effect


Prominent pundits of Mideast affairs have argued Israel alone was pushing for military attack on Iran, WikiLeaks debunked these theories.

In recent years, prominent pundits of Middle East affairs such as Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch, The Nation’s Robert Dreyfuss, and Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, authors of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, have argued that Israel alone was pushing for a military attack on Iran.

It was the ubiquitous “Israel lobby” that would make sure the US continued to threaten Iran with military strikes, said Walt and Mearsheimer....

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Saudi Arabia: Hates Iran, But Loves Al Qaeda–And Relies On Israel

If I had to choose today who is Israel’s primary existential enemy? I would still go with the Saudis. As bad as Iran looks, the Saudis are worse and it is believed they have up to five nukes given to them as payment for the Saudis financing the Islamic Bomb, developed by Pakistan with Saudi money. Yamit

Daled Amos

Wikileaks: Arab World Agrees With Israel--Iran Is More Urgent Than A Palestinian State which makes sense from the viewpoint of keeping the status quo–particularly Sunni Arab dominance vis-a-vis Muslim non-Arab Shiites.

On the other hand, based on a small snippet reported in passing by The New York Times, we see that Saudi Arabia still supports Al Qaeda–in a big way:

Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups like Al Qaeda, and the tiny Persian Gulf state of Qatar, a generous host to the American military for years, was the “worst in the region” in counterterrorism efforts, according to a State Department cable last...

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Reality Trumps Liberalism In Israel…’53% of Israelis say Arabs should be encouraged to leave’

Nice to see that most of the country of Israel is catching up to me and those who have advocated an Arab Free Israel and by extension all of Y&S. The IDI is a very leftist group who are pro Arab and pro Peace (divesting of the Land of Israel) as opposed to divesting the Arabs. I’ll bet that the real % is much higher than the 53% in this survey. Many Jews are afraid to voice in public such sentiments lest they are accused of racism etc. Seems that Kahane was right just 20 years ahead of his times. Yamit


Israel Democracy Institute poll shows only 51% think Arabs, Jews deserve equal rights; Israel ranked least-stable democracy in the world.

The Israel Democracy Institute released the results of its Israeli Democracy Ranking and poll on Tuesday, revealing that 53 percent of Jewish Israelis say the government should encourage Arabs to emigrate from Israel, and only 51% believe Jews and Arabs should have equal rights.

The poll showed that the more religious...

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The Plight of Egypt’s Coptic Christians

Laura: See the horrible plight of Egypt’s Coptic Christians who live a life of persecution and poverty. Anyone still doubting how evil islam is, is guilty of being willfully blind. These apologists ought to be made to live in a muslim country for a year. But does the world give a damn about the Copts? Of course not. They are too busy obsessing over the well-off “palestinians”.

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel