Kate Smith and her rendition of "God Bless America" from the movie "In the Army Now"
Happy New Year, let us make it a year more free from Islamic oppression.
Enjoy this video
Monday, 27 December 2010
As we continue the "war on terror" instead of accepting that we are at "War with Fundamentalist Islam" we need to remember our soldiers, airmen, Navy and Coast Guard as well as the members of law enforcement who keep us safe and free. We are in a war for freedom itself but you would never know it based on our sick media and phony politicians. This video can bring us back to the nostalgia when America rose to the task of defending freedom with great leaders who understood sacrifice. The video includes one of the last great leaders of the twentieth century when he was a Hollywood actor.
Happy New Year
Keith Davies
Executive Director Walid Shoebat Foundation
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Britannia Radio