Scroll down the website to read much more news on One Click or go to the News ArchivesBradley Manning's Holiday Statement
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
"I greatly appreciate everyone's support and well wishes during this time. I am also thankful for everything that has been done to aid in my defense. I ask that everyone takes the time to remember those who are separated from their loved ones at this time due to deployment and important missions. Specifically, I am thinking of those that I deployed with and have not seen for the last seven months, and of the staff here at the Quantico Confinement Facility who will be spending their Christmas without their family."
Tell us USA (and UK et al), who are the terrorists? This banned video tells a billion words.This is MUST WATCH. Decide for yourselves.
Information Release Personal Responsibility
Here we go again. Swine Flu Terror UK is currently in full swing with an epidemic shortly to occur, announces the UK mainstream media. Cynics have speculated that the UK government has massive stocks of flu vaccine to shift and what with the electorate (especially medical professionals) deeply reluctant to get jabbed with the vaccine for the very best of educated reasons, a media campaign has been mounted to sensationalise dodgy flu statistics in order to shift the product. Could they be right? If the entirely vested interests UK media's Swine Flu coverage bias is anything to go by, WikiLeaks needs to get its act together to ensure a level playing field in the future so that the information the organisation is releasing does not continue to be delivered exclusively through the fractured mainstream media prism that so many have grown to rightly distrust. You swallow holus bolus what you read in the mainstream media in regard to WikiLeaks, Swine Flu or any thing else at your peril.
Information Release, The One Click Group
On Day 12 of WikiLeaks's release of U.S. State Department cables, the daily drip, drip, drip of diplomatic secrets implicated the pharmaceutical industry. The company was Pfizer, the country was Nigeria, and the context was the long-simmering, still-bitter aftermath of the drug giant's quick-and-dirty 1996 trials of an experimental antibiotic for children during a devastating meningitis outbreak. A truly chilling cautionary tale of industry-funded clinical trials in the developing world, this event is recalled in the West mainly as the inspiration for John le Carré's evil-pharma thriller The Constant Gardener. The cables suggest that the world's largest drugmaker may have blackmailed the head of Nigeria's Ministry of Justice into dropping a $6 billion criminal lawsuit.
The Atlantic
Kevin Poulsen and Bradley Manning
For more than six months, Wired's Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen has possessed -- but refuses to publish -- the key evidence in one of the year's most significant political stories: the arrest of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning for allegedly acting as WikiLeaks' source. In late May, Adrian Lamo -- at the same time he was working with the FBI as a government informant against Manning -- gave Poulsen what he purported to be the full chat logs between Manning and Lamo in which the Army Private allegedly confessed to having been the source for the various cables, documents and video that WikiLeaks released throughout this year. In interviews with me in June, both Poulsen and Lamo confirmed that Lamo placed no substantive restrictions on Poulsen with regard to the chat logs: Wired was and remains free to publish the logs in their entirety. Despite that, on June 10, Wired published what it said was only "about 25 percent" of those logs, excerpt s that it hand-picked. For the last six months, Poulsen has not only steadfastly refused to release any further excerpts, but worse, has refused to answer questions about what those logs do and do not contain. This is easily one of the worst journalistic disgraces of the year: it is just inconceivable that someone who claims to be a "journalist" -- or who wants to be regarded as one -- would actively conceal from the public, for months on end, the key evidence in a political story that has generated headlines around the world.
Glenn Greenwald, Salon
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Britannia Radio